Most countries rewrite their constitutions periodically.
I didn't know that!
Which of these are good examples of why this is a good idea?
The founders very likely thought that amendment would be more frequent than it has turned out to be.
Changing the basic rules is like reprogramming your computer starting with the OS, it is unpredictable which of the lesser systems will fail due to the change in the basic rule.
In Japan they are still using the constitution imposed during the occupation , this was composed by Macarthur's staff. This is probably a lot longer service than McArthur expected. I believe the Japanese are reluctant to run the risk of reformatting this constitution , the new result being unpredictable and the present constitution being serviceable enough.
We are in a similar situation vs constitution , the language may be archaic and the concepts dated and several features we have outgrown, but who do we trust to write another? The Congress we have right now?
Not them.