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Trump takes his baseball and goes home
« on: January 29, 2016, 09:03:43 AM »
What a pathetic, lame sissy Trump is! He does not have the guts to be asked questions by Megan Kelly. It is the nature of all American politicians to be asked difficult questions by news people.  Trump like a basketball player who cannot dribble and quite the game because they won't let him run with the ball.

His idiot followers will not abandon him, however, because they are dupes.   
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Re: Trump takes his baseball and goes home
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2016, 11:34:25 AM »
oh yeah Trump is petrified of Megyn Kelly....yeah sure....typical old guard "talking points"...LOL.

Trump continues to smash the old guard/establishment used to having it their way.
Trump does not care if you are Fox, CNN, Mitch McConnell, Jeb Bush, or Glen Beck...he will punch you in the nose.

Trump talks about what was deemed "off limits" by the old guard.
The old guard immediately to protect their apple cart started their old tried and true "you're a racist" blather.
But OMG...the old tricks to shame/silence opponents suddenly did not work.

The old guard kept banking Trump would "stumble" or go away.
Hasn't happened.
You can see it in their faces...both party establishments.....
"whatta we gonna do about this guy?"....."every trick we use and he just goes up in the polls"
"OMG our BS isn't working"
"We can't let the American People stop our open border agenda to change America"

Of course the old guard doesn't like this.
And of course because the old guard protects your don't like it either.

Trump had been in prime time debate after debate after debate after debate...
He realizes the Dems hide their debates on certain dates and times

Then Trump sees the Fox News Debate Chief daughter works for Rubio.

Then Trumps sees the moronic GOP allows an Islamic-Advocate
who is also a Bernie Sanders supporter to be one of the questioners.

So Trump basically walks out, just like he would walk out on ridiculous
negotiations with Iran that gave Iran the chief nation exporting terror on earth $150 billion dollars.

Millions of Americans love that.
Millions of Americans want a leader that will walk out on bad deals.
Trump would not be "afraid" of Iran if he walked out on a ridiculously bad deal and told them "F-U".
Walking out on a bad deal is not being afraid, it is a sign of resolve and strength.
The American people are sick of "bad deals" and want a leader that walks away from bad deals.

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Re: Trump takes his baseball and goes home
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2016, 01:34:47 PM »
Minus all the standard leftist insults, I have to agree with a point, C.  Now, granted, I'm up front in saying, he's not my 1st choice.....or my 3rd....or my 5th.  Point being, that it doesn't appear presidential or one of leadership, especially before a state's caucus/primary, to skip out on a debate, because he feels like he's getting picked on.  Everyone is asked tough questions, and it comes across as a little thin skinned, when he has a mini tantrum because one particular moderator is on, who asked a very pointed question.  He's on record as showering Megyn Kelly with praise for her journalistic and moderator ability, not more than a few years ago.

He could have managed this much better, and not used our wounded veterens like a chess piece in his tiff with Megyn Kelly & Fox

But let me also was pretty bone headed for Fox News to put out that less than humerous memo regarding Trump & Putin.  A little classless, IMHO.  Although that never would have come out had Trump not publically declared his intentions to skip the debate
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Re: Trump takes his baseball and goes home
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2016, 01:50:54 PM »
Trump is a dick, and they oughta just give him a tiara and a sash, declare him the Greatest American Ever and frogmarch him off into then obscurity he richly deserves.

It is pretty obvious why he refused to attend this debate: Fox posted candidates saying things on which they have later changed their minds, notably on immigration, and then asked them to explain why they changed their minds.

Trump has said dozens of stupid things, has insulted all sorts of people  for no good reason related to being president in any way (like Fiorina's looks or McCain being captured) and knew that he would end up looking like the jerk he is. So he blamed it all on Megan Kelly (who he seems to have excused of menstruating), took his baseball and went elsewhere.

I bet that the amount of money he claimed to have raised for Vets  was also  bogus.

If I were Vladimir Putin and wanted to fuck with the US, I would have ordered whatever has taken the place of the KGB to cause Trump to do exactly as he has done.
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Re: Trump takes his baseball and goes home
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2016, 03:48:24 PM »
It is pretty obvious why he refused to attend this debate: Fox posted candidates saying things on which they have later changed their minds, notably on immigration, and then asked them to explain why they changed their minds.

And that's not to be confused with Clinton having changed her mind, on a laundry list of again? 

Clinton has claimed far more ignorant things, & has been insulting and condesending to anyone not of her stripe, and yet she still gets a pass.  I wonder why that is

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Re: Trump takes his baseball and goes home
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2016, 04:37:06 PM »
Hillary has not declined to participate in any debate.

With trump it is not that he changes his mind, it is that he picks stupid unnecessary fights because he is on some damned ego trip. He insults people rather than debating their ideas. He makes dumb claims about how he wants to do things that are clearly unconstitutional or impossible.
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Re: Trump takes his baseball and goes home
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2016, 05:07:14 PM »
Hillary has not declined to participate in any debate.

That wasn't the issue, now was it.  You made it clear that one of the points of conduct as to why Trump didn't attend, was because he apparently would have had to face questions regarding changes of position, like that's a bad thing to change one's mind.  So, if its ok for Clinton, it's ok for everyone else, including Trump

And he's been debating everyone thru-out this process, so its bogus to claim he doesn't debate their ideas

And you have absolutely NO LEG TO STAND ON, regarding criticism of "doing things unconstitutionally", while your fella Oblather seems to be doing it on a daily basis
« Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 05:16:38 PM by sirs »
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Re: Trump takes his baseball and goes home
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2016, 06:51:26 PM »
  Point being, that it doesn't appear presidential or one of leadership, especially before a state's caucus/primary, to skip out on a debate, because he feels like he's getting picked on. 

It may be semantics...
But I guess when Trump is President and he walks out on the Iranians .
and tells the Mullahs to "Go F Themselves" some Americans may think
that doesn't appear like leadership either....but I believe many will
think standing up to BS is leadership and Presidential.
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Re: Trump takes his baseball and goes home
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2016, 07:03:55 PM »
Sitting across the table from Iranian mullahs is nothing remotely close to a job interview for the position to be sitting across that table.  These moderators aren't mullahs.  It simply comes across as sour grapes because Fox didn't dare to change moderators, at his demand
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Re: Trump takes his baseball and goes home
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2016, 07:37:26 PM »
It may come across as "sour grapes" to those that are used to the establishment calling the shots
but it doesn't to millions of other Americans that support Trump.

Trump has already debated and debated and debated.

He pretty much won them all according to his standing in the polls.

He doesn't need Chris Wallace and Megyn Kelly asking ridiculous questions.
The "oh you had your dog on the roof of the station-wagon 30 years ago"....don't work on Trump.
The "oh you called Rosie names years ago (after she made fun of your physical appearance first)" don't work on Trump.
The "gotcha" videos last if Hillary has seen that tactic at a debate?...
and BTW Megyn or Chris Wallace who or what candidate has never changed a position?

Every news show...every Sunday show, last night every network was Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump
So it's not like the American People don't know where he stands.

Trump doesn't play by the old rules and that's why his supporters like him.

I love him because BOTH the Republican and Democratic establishments (ya know the ones that have screwed our country) hate him.

But SIRS ...we'll see what happens...maybe Trump loses Iowa...or maybe Trump is not the nominee

I'll be ok with a guy that is simply "better than Obama" but would rather have a real game-changer like Trump.

ps: some conservatives complain "well Trump is not a real conservative"
ok compared to what?
The so called conservatives have basically allowed Obama carte blanche!
So called conservatives have caved on about everything!
Conservatives have controlled the House, the Senate, and Supreme Court but Obama gets everything!
Compared to so called conservative Paul Ryan?...LOL
Compared to so called conservative John Roberts...(thanks for Obamacare)
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Re: Trump takes his baseball and goes home
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2016, 08:45:55 PM »
I do get it, C.  I'm no fan of the "establishment" either.  I know full well how those we elected into office, in overwhelming #'s to put a stop to Obama's destruction of this country, fell down at the 1st hint of Democrat bad breath

Compared to what you say, is the record of everyone.  Trump's record is no more "conservative" than someone like McCain.  Yes, he's saying the right things, to try and win over the base of the GOP...and because of how the GOP has treated their base, he's succeeding.  That doesn't make him "conservative".  It makes him the anti-politician that happens to be running on the GOP ticket.

Yes, I want to trounce Clinton come Nov.  Yes, I want to put the breaks on this quasi-socialist movement being pushed by Obama, Benie, Clinton, and the left.  And yes, I think Trump could beat her as well, and I will absolutely support him, if he is the nominee.

That said, it still looks petty and unpresidential for him to have a tiff with a particular journalist, who prior to that, was singing her praises.  This wasn't him walking out on a bad Iranian deal.  This was him walking out on his latest job interview
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"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

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Re: Trump takes his baseball and goes home
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2016, 12:22:15 AM »
Minus all the standard leftist insults, I have to agree with a point, C.  Now, granted, I'm up front in saying, he's not my 1st choice.....or my 3rd....or my 5th.  Point being, that it doesn't appear presidential or one of leadership, especially before a state's caucus/primary, to skip out on a debate, because he feels like he's getting picked on.  Everyone is asked tough questions, and it comes across as a little thin skinned, when he has a mini tantrum because one particular moderator is on, who asked a very pointed question.  He's on record as showering Megyn Kelly with praise for her journalistic and moderator ability, not more than a few years ago.

He could have managed this much better, and not used our wounded veterens like a chess piece in his tiff with Megyn Kelly & Fox

But let me also was pretty bone headed for Fox News to put out that less than humerous memo regarding Trump & Putin.  A little classless, IMHO.  Although that never would have come out had Trump not publically declared his intentions to skip the debate

I disagree. He's letting the media know they aren't going to tell him which debates he's going to show up for, he's going to tell *them* which debates he'll show up for, and where they can put their hat if they don't like it.

Since when do politicians take orders from the media, anyway? Fox News needs Trump. Trump doesn't need them!
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Re: Trump takes his baseball and goes home
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2016, 01:13:20 PM »
The voters will judge as to whether Trump skipping out on this debate was a wise political decision or not.
He certainly has the right to participate or not as he sees fit. Voters have the right to vote for him or for someone else.
I would never vote for him, regardless, because he is nothing but a giant egotistical lout.
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Re: Trump takes his baseball and goes home
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2016, 02:48:04 PM »
  When the Candidates blew off MSNBC it was for obvious and good reason.

  I think Meagan Kelley asked a pointed and tough but reasonable question, Trump is not being fair to her and I would be disappointed in any politician that made himself unavailable to the press unless the questions were watered down.

   Trump probably didn't hurt himself very much , his ability to understand the audience and play the crowd is amazing.

     I agree with CU4 that the people are weary of the empty rhetoric of our usual establishment approved politicians, eager for different and better, admiring of the bold and brassy anti-PC straight talk.

     I disagree that Trump is the guy, I sense P.T.Barnum  and the humbug machine.