Author Topic: Hitler felt the "Bern"  (Read 5387 times)

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Re: Hitler felt the "Bern"
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2016, 01:43:13 PM »
Hitler was not any sort of Socialist.

Fascist....Socialist....peas of the same pod.  Both totalitarian in nature

Bernie was a very competent and respected mayor of Burlington. he staged no Putsches,  he had no uniformed good squads.

Completely irrelevant to the point being made, but whatever.  No one is claiming Sanders, or Clinton, or even Obama is Hitler or Stalin.  The policies they push however are rooted in the policies Hither & Stalin took to the extreme. 

In other words, if we ever got tot he point of uniformed goon squads, then we've already lost the battle for the survival of the U.S. as it was founded
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Re: Hitler felt the "Bern"
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2016, 03:04:05 PM »
The Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands are far more democratic than the US. We have only two parties, all of them have at least four or five. And most of them are 100% in favor of the reforms that Bernie Sanders supports.

There is nothing even remotely oppressive about Democratic Socialism. Trump and Cruz are far more like Hitler than any of them.
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Re: Hitler felt the "Bern"
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2016, 03:32:01 PM »
That is a good answer, what was the question it answers?


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Re: Hitler felt the "Bern"
« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2016, 05:39:23 PM »
You can provide the question.
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Re: Hitler felt the "Bern"
« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2016, 05:44:07 PM »
You can provide the question.


Aaaaaalll right!

What sort of result did Hitler have in mind when he founded and directed the Nazi party?

The Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands are far more democratic than the US. We have only two parties, all of them have at least four or five. And most of them are 100% in favor of the reforms that Bernie Sanders supports.

There is nothing even remotely oppressive about Democratic Socialism. Trump and Cruz are far more like Hitler than any of them.

Hey , lets do this again.


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Re: Hitler felt the "Bern"
« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2016, 05:51:14 PM »
Touche'     ;)
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Re: Hitler felt the "Bern"
« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2016, 05:54:45 PM »
Hitler wanted a Europe dominated by the Master Race, ie the Germans, in which tor menial work was done by Slavs, French, and members of lesser races. The Master Race would take the place once occupied by the nobility. It is all summed up quite well in Main Kampf, (My Struggle). Which I have read and apparently those who think Hitler was a Socialist have not. My father bought a copy in a box of books at a farm auction when I was 13 and he gave it to me and asked me to read it, which I did.

Socialism is about Class Struggle. The workers do most of the work and get few of the rewards. They should rise up and claim what they deserve.

Nazism is about Ethnic Struggle. The Germans are the most productive, smartest and strongest people in Europe and they were forced into servitude by the  unjust Treaty of Versailles The German people should rise up against their oppressors, namely the Jews and their British allies and take their rightful place as the Master Race.

Bernie Sanders is the most un Nazi person that has ever run for president. Ask anyne who lived in Burlington when he was mayor. He did a fine job. Certainly a better job than Marco did at representing Floridians in the Senate.
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Re: Hitler felt the "Bern"
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2016, 07:13:34 PM »
And one more time, no is is claiming Sanders is Hitler incarnate, or even a fascist.  The issue is that Socialism, even "Democratic Socialism", is totalitarian in nature.  It requires a Government that restricts freedoms, "for the good of the country", and takes what people have earned, to apply it where they see fit. If you don't comply with it, you're punished with still more taken away from you, if not arrested.

At its heart, its both oppressive and as divisive as one can get, pitting classes against each other.  There is no "deserve", its what people earn, based on their choices in life.
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Re: Hitler felt the "Bern"
« Reply #23 on: February 22, 2016, 05:18:30 AM »

Socialism is about Class Struggle. The workers do most of the work and get few of the rewards. They should rise up and claim what they deserve.

Nazism is about Ethnic Struggle. The Germans are the most productive, smartest and strongest people in Europe and they were forced into servitude by the  unjust Treaty of Versailles The German people should rise up against their oppressors, namely the Jews and their British allies and take their rightful place as the Master Race.

And these two ideas were unrelated?

Never conflated not from similar origin?


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Re: Hitler felt the "Bern"
« Reply #24 on: February 22, 2016, 09:27:20 AM »
And these two ideas were unrelated?

They are both related to the Hegelian theory of history as a process of action --> reaction --> synthesis, called the dialectic.\

Never conflated not from similar origin?

No, not conflated. Naziism, in addition to the Hegelian theory seems to be related  to Oswald  Spengler's  Decline of the West. in that it presents history as the rise and fall of specific nationalities. Spengler rejected  Antisemitism and the idea that the perfected Nazi state would be immune to a decline after being established.

Good ideas often spring from bad ideas, and rejecting Democratic Socialism, which has eliminated poverty in several countries and made it possible for a greater number of people to reach their full potential than any other system, is clearly superior to the murky, mystical and  greed inspired nonsense that the Republican'ts  spew.
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Re: Hitler felt the "Bern"
« Reply #25 on: February 22, 2016, 10:27:08 AM »
As has already been demonstrated. ... Fascism, Socialism, and yes Democratic Socialism. ... all peas of the same pod.  In this scenario, there is no "good idea" that comes out of a bad. 
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Re: Hitler felt the "Bern"
« Reply #26 on: February 22, 2016, 12:37:15 PM »
All sorts of good things result from bad events and ideas.

Jesus was crucified. I think anyone would call crucifixion a "bad".

And I bet you think that good resulted from that as well.

Workers are who makes this country productive. They deserve the right to run the country at least as much as the bosses.
Teachers educate. administrators do not.], and yet they get paid vastly more for doing mundane things like scheduling. or more likely, the tell their secretaries to do the real work.

Democratic Socialism has proven to be capable of ending poverty and providing every citizen with the education that he needs to realize his full potential.
Capitalism has failed to do this.

Norway is frozen for half the years and has far fewer resources than the US, but it has ended poverty and the US will never end poverty. The rightwingers donlt even want to TRY. All they want to do is to tell Adam and Steve that they cannot marry, and think that constant war is a natural thing.
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Re: Hitler felt the "Bern"
« Reply #27 on: February 22, 2016, 12:54:30 PM »
It is quite entertaining to see someone who rails and spews negativity at anything Christian, attempt to use a Christian act to buttress his POV.  Here's a heads-up, the Crucifixion of Christ was never an idea, bad or good.  It was apparently part of God's plan, that he die and absorb all of mankind's sins from the beginning of time to the end.  Pretty heavy burden, but that was part of God's plan, and not some "bad idea"

Socialism, in whatever form is a BAD idea, in particular for this country founded on freedoms, that Socialism would not be able to support.  Taking from others just because they have more is BAD, in any language.  Workers work, and earn an income, that the market place applies to that line of work.  Period.  They don't "deserve" any more than what the free market provides for.  If they believe its not enough, then you have 2 choices.  Attempt to scale the financial ladder within their line of work.  Or leave that line of work, to find one that is more along the lines of what they'd prefer to earn

You don't simply take from someone who has made better choices and worked their way up that financial ladder, just because someone else feels bad they they didn't.  Socialism is a BAD IDEA in any form....period.  Both morally and economically.  Not to mention our global committments and population are expenentially more complex than Norway, so there's no way you can apply any governing performed, as being able to be applied in the United States.  For one thing, our Constitution, won't allow that form of Government to take root here.  Unless its amended of course.  Knock your socks off
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 02:53:23 PM by sirs »
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Re: Hitler felt the "Bern"
« Reply #28 on: February 22, 2016, 01:23:15 PM »
The crucifixion was not an "idea"?
Then what was it?

Even God has ideas.

I am not opposed to Christianity, I am opposed to Christians or members of any religion, running the country based on their beliefs. I have said many times that religion seems indispensable to at least some people and that it should not be persecuted or eliminated,. I used this an an analogy becaue it seemed to be the one you would most likely comprehend.

Bernie Sanders was by nearly everyone's standards, and EXCELLENT mayor of Burlington, and has represented Vermont well in both houses of Congress, which no other candidate has. I am a pragmatist, and do not think that Bernie has any plans to nationalize businesses with the possible exception of healthcare insurance.  Capitalism and the laws of supply and demand do no work in healthcare. Hospitals refuse to reveal what they will charge for most common procedures, so the consumer cannot shop around for non threatening situations, and of course, when you have a medical emergency, the patient has often no choice at all.

Single payer healthcare is clearly the best way to go. There are many nations that have it and the optimal way of doing this should be apparent if these are studied and analyzed carefully and studiously.\

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Re: Hitler felt the "Bern"
« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2016, 01:58:29 PM »
The crucifixion was not an "idea"?
Then what was it?

I already told you.....his plan

Even God has ideas.

LOL...again, someone who hasn't met a Christian he couldn't ridicule, trying to use Christianity to push a fatally flawed notion

God doesn't sit on his thrown and scratch his brow, wondering "hmmmm......what if I.......?  THAT's an idea.  God simply has a plan.....period.   There is no "idea" associated with God.  Not from a Christian standpoint.


And no "single payer system" is NOT the way to go, when we have example after example after example of how the bigger your population, the worse the economic impact of the country, the worse the waiting becomes for even simple care, and the worse the quality of care becomes, as services HAVE to be rationed.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2016, 02:51:41 PM by sirs »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle