It is quite entertaining to see someone who rails and spews negativity at anything Christian, attempt to use a Christian act to buttress his POV. Here's a heads-up, the Crucifixion of Christ was never an idea, bad or good. It was apparently part of God's plan, that he die and absorb all of mankind's sins from the beginning of time to the end. Pretty heavy burden, but that was part of God's plan, and not some "bad idea"
Socialism, in whatever form is a BAD idea, in particular for this country founded on freedoms, that Socialism would not be able to support. Taking from others just because they have more is BAD, in any language. Workers work, and earn an income, that the market place applies to that line of work. Period. They don't "deserve" any more than what the free market provides for. If they believe its not enough, then you have 2 choices. Attempt to scale the financial ladder within their line of work. Or leave that line of work, to find one that is more along the lines of what they'd prefer to earn
You don't simply take from someone who has made better choices and worked their way up that financial ladder, just because someone else feels bad they they didn't. Socialism is a BAD IDEA in any form....period. Both morally and economically. Not to mention our global committments and population are expenentially more complex than Norway, so there's no way you can apply any governing performed, as being able to be applied in the United States. For one thing, our Constitution, won't allow that form of Government to take root here. Unless its amended of course. Knock your socks off