Did you ever meet a student that felt he had a right to a good grade , regardless his understanding or effort?
At least a couple of times per semester, some seriously underperforming student would come to my office and tell me that I had to raise his grade so that he would not be on probation, lose a scholarship, not make the team or something. I always handed him a calculator and asked him to add up the grade.
It always came up with the grade I gave him/her. Then I explained that my grades were simply a reflection of how much Spanish he had learned as described in detail in the Course Syllabus, which I handed him a copy of. If that did not make him go away, then empecé a hablarle en español, para demostrarle qure no sabía la materia. That always made them go away. I then conferred with all his other professors, and as a rule, he had made similar begging appeals to them as well. The scholarship was never an issue, as the GPA was generally below a 2.0 before he enrolled in my class, and therefore could never have had any scholarship.
I had the right to give the grades. I always explained how I calculated them orally and in the course syllabus, and followed the procedures exactly.
In 32 years, I had two cases before the grade dispute committee, which unanimously rejected them.