I don't see overwhelming force being used, I don't see locals being effectively trained , I don't see enough of anything to fit any strategy I know about.
Except one , and I don't want to think it of President Obama.
Fly paper.
A strategy of attracting as much of the enemy into a kill zone as possible , keeping attacks tolerable by the enemy until the environment is so thick with them that every bomb kills a few of them, then the shelling starts in earnest, eliminating a lot of the problem by killing the most and worst as efficiently as can be.
Is President Obama this cold? Or is the situation we see the result of dithering and lack of strategy ?
Does this make a difference? The ISIL is a concentration of the most earnest and faithful adherents of a particular sort of Muslim, the most that has been seen in modern times, and the international consensus is turning towards more force being used against them, so the flypaper strategy is being effected whether it was actually intended or not.
Even more importantly, the Islamic state has behaved very badly during the time that they have been in charge of this territory, they have dishonored themselves and make their international support ashamed.
When this chapter is over Islam might be more healthy than ever , but Jihad might never again amount to an international modern Children's Crusade.