I live in Florida, in the same county as Rubio. The pretty boy SOB has never has any job except in politics, and he is a a flyweight, much lighter than a lightweight. His pattern has been to get elected, and then to use his influence to get elected to a better position. he has no principles, all he is is a little prick with ambitions. His money comes from Norman Brahman, a fatcat Jewish car dealer who used Marco to get influence in the local and state governments. After he was term limited out of the legislature, he was paid (because Brahman donated the money) to teach part time for about $10K more than a full time teacher was paid. He only showed up about half the time. He attends both Catholic Mass and Baptist services, but at one time he was a Mormon. He has done NOTHING in the Senate except run for president. He will do whatever he is paid to do by his supporters. he would be an execrable president. Everyone hates Ted Cruz, because he is a weasel and a smartass.
Cruz is the son of a nutball fundie preacher who was once an alcoholic and then found Jeezus. He does not just run some people the wrong way, he rubs damned near everyone the wrong way. No one, not even the Republicans in Congress like him. He is a phony Christian and a phony everything. He is a scheming, devious weasel. He also would be a terrible president, but less predictable than Rubio.
Neither of these Cubans would be here if the same rules had been applied to their parents are they want to impose on immigrants. This country does not admit maids and bartenders, alcoholics and probably not many fundie preachers, either. The USA has way to many uneducated common laborers with no special talents. The Consul would take their applications, charge then a fee, and two weeks later tell them, sorry, you have not been ruled eligible to enter the US and no, you cannot have your money back.
But when Rubio's parents came here from Cuba, before Castro (they were not political refugees) they were still taking unskilled laborers. They lucked off.
Cruz father Rafael ( Ted is also named Rafael, making him a "Junior") came to the US in 1957 and was allowed to stay after his student visa expired because of the Cuban Revolution.
The GOP is in a terrible state: the best they can do is two Cubans, one a weasel and another a flyweight, and an egomaniac.
Odds are that a third party candidate or maybe a fourth will join the fray.