Author Topic: "Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is falling apart"  (Read 3136 times)

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Re: "Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is falling apart"
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2016, 08:17:13 PM »
unless Sanders starts to pull out the honesty/integrity card.  If he does, she's toast at any chance of becoming President

SIRS I have asked friends...
is there any way in hell if she is indicted would she stay in the race?
and would the DNC even allow her to stay in the race?

Yes, and Yes.  She's a Clinton.  The DNC and Oligarchy have invested far too much time, energy and $$$$$$ to not allow her to stay in the race.  It'll be spun as some new age VRWC.  That she was indicted, because she's a woman....that the Koch brothers bought themselves a Justice Dept indictment. 

That said, given the level of unethical conduct, by Obama's Justice dept, even if an indictment is recommended by the conclusion of the FBI criminal investigation, and even though current Federal law doesn't require intent on her part, at putting America lives and tactics at risk, I still expect the Justice Dept to conclude that she never intended to do anything wrong, and as such, will not indict her.  And the left will claim victory, that it was all just some political effort to thwart her chances at becoming president.  Never mind the laws she broke, and the exponential level if irresponsibility and recklessness she demonstrated as our SoS, as she demands that she be made President.  It was all just some big VRWC cabal...spearheaded by the Koch brothers of course....oh, I forgot, and Bush
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Re: "Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is falling apart"
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2016, 05:13:51 PM »
  Hillary Clinton has about three hundred fifty "superdelegates" committed to vote for her at the convention before the caucuses and primaries were ever convened.

    This isn't a lock, but it is a big advantage.

      Combined with at least two hundred million dollars for buying media attention Hillary still has her chance at the brass ring.

     The best question to ask is what she wants it for, and how will she use it?


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Re: "Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is falling apart"
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2016, 01:08:03 PM »

She wants to win the election.
I imagine that she will use it in the most effective way she can think of.
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Re: "Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is falling apart"
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2016, 01:59:03 PM »
She wants to win the election.
I imagine that she will use it in the most effective way she can think of.

Music to those who bought and payed for her
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Re: "Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is falling apart"
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2016, 05:57:41 PM »
Campaign funds always get spent on the campaign.
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Re: "Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is falling apart"
« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2016, 05:59:13 PM »
I'd be referring to the millions that were funneled thru the Clinton Foundation.  And even all the millions in campaign to buy her influence and power
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Re: "Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is falling apart"
« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2016, 10:23:32 PM »

She wants to win the election.
I imagine that she will use it in the most effective way she can think of.

Why does she personally want to be president?

And is this different from the three hundred fifty superdeligates desire that she be president?

And is it the same as the desire of Goldman Sachs that she be president?


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Re: "Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is falling apart"
« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2016, 12:19:24 AM »
Why do any of the candidates want to be president? Why did George Washington want to be president?

I fail to see why Clinton is so corrupt to you when all of the damned Republican candidates also have pacs and get money from fatcats.

Sanders is the only candidate in many years who did not have PACs.

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Re: "Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is falling apart"
« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2016, 03:00:11 AM »
Why do any of the candidates want to be president? Why did George Washington want to be president?
That is a tough one to answer , examining the motives of each would be a pretty good and pretty thick book, starting with George Washington who didn't seem to really want to be president at all and most definitely rejected becoming king.
I fail to see why Clinton is so corrupt to you when all of the damned Republican candidates also have pacs and get money from fatcats.
Whitewater was about corruption, and hiding all of her files on the subject until after Bill was elected President is a good example of her stonewalling tactic, the beef futures investment was about accepting bribes and the huge book advances she gets are monetary media support. Hillary has a long history with being caught in corrupt practices and there is none since Tammany Hall to be near her equal. If you think that her accepting huge speaking fees from banks is innocent , then how do you explain the text of these speeches being a more precious secret to her than the classified secrets of the state department?   

Sanders is the only candidate in many years who did not have PACs.

I like this about him.

If only he were not sworn to evil.


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Re: "Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is falling apart"
« Reply #24 on: February 14, 2016, 05:52:11 PM »
There was no corruption in Whitewater that was provable. That is why Starr went out of his way to badger Lewinsky into testifying when she  did not have a complaint and did not want to testify.  The whole Lewinsky affair was a disgraceful fabrication. It is not illegal for one adult to give another a blowjob. It may be sleazy, but it is not criminal.
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Re: "Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is falling apart"
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2016, 05:58:45 PM »
Giving false testimony under oath, in a court of law, is

Giving false testimony under oath, in front of a congressional committee, also is
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Re: "Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is falling apart"
« Reply #26 on: February 14, 2016, 09:05:59 PM »
There was no corruption in Whitewater that was provable. That is why Starr went out of his way to badger Lewinsky into testifying when she  did not have a complaint and did not want to testify.  The whole Lewinsky affair was a disgraceful fabrication. It is not illegal for one adult to give another a blowjob. It may be sleazy, but it is not criminal.

  This is drifting into Bills business where I didn't want to go.

  Hillary "lost" her paperwork that might have been evidence in Whitewater, it was "found" in the whitehouse after it was moot.

   Losing or destroying evidence is a Hillary pattern, to me the most probable explanation for her weird choices of e-mail workarounds of the security requirements is that she wanted control of all records so that they could be lost when convenient.


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Re: "Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is falling apart"
« Reply #27 on: February 14, 2016, 11:42:05 PM »
The impeachment mess was the second stupidest thing the Republicans did, after the Iraq War. They knew they didn't have the votes or the charges to convict him and Gingrich ended up in utter disgrace. The diversion drew attention from watching Al =Qaeda anfd the result was 9-11.

Stupid Republicans ought to just pack up and leave this country forever.
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Re: "Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is falling apart"
« Reply #28 on: February 15, 2016, 01:03:43 AM »
Your opinion, aside, the fact remains;
Giving false testimony under oath, in a court of law, is criminal
Giving false testimony under oath, in front of a congressional committee, is also criminal
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Re: "Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is falling apart"
« Reply #29 on: February 15, 2016, 03:17:15 AM »
The impeachment mess was the second stupidest thing the Republicans did, after the Iraq War. They knew they didn't have the votes or the charges to convict him and Gingrich ended up in utter disgrace. The diversion drew attention from watching Al =Qaeda anfd the result was 9-11.

Stupid Republicans ought to just pack up and leave this country forever.

You are talking about Bill again, who beat this rap with testimony that he later admitted was false.

Bill is an extreme exception to the idea that the truth will make you free.

Hillary did not cause Bill to rape anyone , nor to harass anyone , her part in this was retroactive entirely as she hired Private Eyes to investigate and harass Bills accusers, sought dirt and scapegoats to shield Bill from the truth.

In irony Hillary can stand before groups who support protective measures for abused women and proclaim that women should be believed .