Author Topic: The problem with Trump  (Read 3392 times)

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The problem with Trump
« on: February 20, 2016, 05:24:33 PM »
We all (as in the GOP and conservatives in general) acknowledge why Trump has done so well in the polls.  And it has squat to do with "reaching out to racists or bigots".  He's not part of the established hierarchy of the Republican party, and as such has no qualms stating politically incorrect verbage, that so many of the GOP are too afraid to say, for fear of being labeled a racist or a bigot.  His assertiveness comes across to supporters as extreme confidence, and to his critics as supreme arrogance

While he likely would beat Clinton, and trounce Sanders, he's running the risk of alienating so many conservatives, that are truly geared up to vote Democrats out of the office, that they might just stay home.  Case in point, while he rails against folks like Cruz, Rubio, and Bush, calling them liars for their claims that he "supports Obamacare", now he's on record as proclaiming his support of the mandate within Obamacare.  Literally the cornerstone to Obamacare.  You can't keep calling people liars, if you support the primary feature to that you supposedly oppose.

If he supports a Government mandate in having healthcare insurance, what's the difference between he and Clinton?..or Obama for that matter? 
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Re: The problem with Trump
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2016, 11:28:09 PM »

There is a very strong dissatisfaction that Trump is skillfully riding.

But I agree, this isn't enough to win.


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Re: The problem with Trump
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2016, 11:31:35 PM »
Trump has just driven Jeb! from the race. All that money was raised for naught.
Not even his Mommy and brother were enough to save him. He was better than the shitty Rick Scott as governor, but not by all that much.
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Re: The problem with Trump
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2016, 12:27:00 AM »
....and yet, you proclaimed how Bush had this in the bag, pre-Trump, because he had all this money and a PAC bigger than Clinton's supposedly.  So much for the notion that the Oligarchy runs the GOP
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Re: The problem with Trump
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2016, 12:50:04 AM »
  I think both parties have an old boy network, an oligarchy and ruts of travel.

Fortunately we have elections, to expose this to wear and tear.

It would be worth an inexperienced and ineffective government now and then(JEC) just to prevent the political class from having sure elections.


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Re: The problem with Trump
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2016, 10:00:00 AM »
If he supports a Government mandate in having healthcare insurance, what's the difference between he and Clinton?..or Obama for that matter?

I can't speak for Mr. Trump, but I am opposed to ObamaCare, but support some type of "mandate".

Obamacare is basically a "trojan horse" for single payer...
which I oppose and would be a failure...and amount to healthcare rationing.

As far a "mandate"....I think people that can afford health insurance but would rather spend that money on a shiny new Ford Mustang monthly payment and then just run to the emergency room every time they have a sore throat...those people...and there are millions of them....they should be "mandated" to pay for their own damn healthcare and not force soccer-moms and other hard working Americans to pay their medical bills. Also the "mandate" should include a tax on imported products from Mexico, etc...for the illegals flooding our emergency rooms and hospitals. In other words all the assholes wanting medical freebies should be held accountable in one way or the other and not expect somebody else to pay for their diarrhea!
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Re: The problem with Trump
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2016, 10:01:11 AM »
It would be worth an inexperienced and ineffective government now and then(JEC) just to prevent the political class from having sure elections.

No, it would not. But we do not suffer from "sure elections" except when there is an incumbent.

The last predictable non-incumbent candidates were Bob Dole and Al Gore.
Donald Trump was not predictable.  He has a dedicated bunch of supporters, who attribute qualities to him that he does not have, such as a born-again religion, a dedication to family values (he has been married to three trophy wives in succession), honesty (he bilked a lot of people by sticking his name on investments in which he had no financial stake and then bailing out and letting them go bankrupt) and a knowledge of world affairs and diplomacy.

But he also has very high negatives, around 60% of people who say they would never vote for him.
The worst problem in our government has been polarization, and Trump is the Master of Polarization. He makes enemies apparently just to claim that he has beat them out on something.

Trump is the opposite of what this country needs.
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Re: The problem with Trump
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2016, 10:03:15 AM »
And it has squat to do with "reaching out to racists or bigots"\\

That is untrue. The core Trump supporter is a White man that did not attend college and blames foreigners for unemployment.
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Re: The problem with Trump
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2016, 10:52:40 AM »
Black persons of either gender who blame unemployment on high rates of illegal immigration would be welcome in the Trump tent too.


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Re: The problem with Trump
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2016, 01:46:17 PM »
If he supports a Government mandate in having healthcare insurance, what's the difference between he and Clinton?..or Obama for that matter?

I can't speak for Mr. Trump, but I am opposed to ObamaCare, but support some type of "mandate".

Mandate means Government control of healthcare, Cu4.  Yes, Obamacare is designed to fail, in order to try and usher in single payer, but a mandate is the crux of Government control.  With it, quality healthcare in this country, goes the way of England & Canada....and we're screwed
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Re: The problem with Trump
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2016, 03:06:10 PM »
Canadians and the British are every bit as healthy as Americans and they pay far less for it.
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Re: The problem with Trump
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2016, 01:20:04 PM »
That'd be no, and no.  Especially on the 2nd part, as both countries are severely in debt, specfically in relation to their healthcare systems, and the financial abyss they're putting their countries thru
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Re: The problem with Trump
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2016, 01:24:44 PM »
The US has a much larger debt than Canada, and probably than the UK as well.
You only believe the rot you read from the Right, so I say "phoohey" to your allegations.
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Re: The problem with Trump
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2016, 02:08:07 PM »
We also have exponentially more people and expenses...not to mention a Community organizer & chief and a political party spending like a drunken sailer everyone else's tax dollars faster than if they simply burned it

Point being, that FACTUALLY, the budgets of both Canada & England are being crushed by the healthcare systems they've adopted.  Decreased quality of care, higher cost of care, exponentially worse waiting periods, and a saddling of debt that the generations that follow will be stuck with.

So, you can "say" they "pay less for it".  Doesn't make it true, in any way, shape or form, however
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Re: The problem with Trump
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2016, 03:58:55 PM »
Your "facts" are bogus. Every industrialized country on the planet has universal healthcare. It should be declared to be a RIGHT.
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