Author Topic: Rude "BlackLivesMatter" asshole interrupts Hillary Clinton  (Read 4503 times)

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Re: Rude "BlackLivesMatter" asshole interrupts Hillary Clinton
« Reply #30 on: February 29, 2016, 12:15:38 PM »
I explained how Clinton was entrapped long, long ago.
You were not paying attention.

Tough bungies!
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Re: Rude "BlackLivesMatter" asshole interrupts Hillary Clinton
« Reply #31 on: February 29, 2016, 12:23:28 PM »
No, you didn't.  No one forced him to lie under oath.  He was disbarred for lying under oath.....period.  And it had nothing to do with him being unfaithful and getting BJ's.  It all had to do with his lying under oath

And one more time, trying to prop 1 race above all others, is the very definition of racist
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Re: Rude "BlackLivesMatter" asshole interrupts Hillary Clinton
« Reply #32 on: February 29, 2016, 10:54:01 PM »
  Well the reason that he was in court in the first place , he was prone to harass and rape the women that worked for him or in his proximity.

  Was it not a matter of time before one or a few of them brought suit?

  Monica was not the original issue, she was more willing as a sex partner than as a witness.

     What makes Monica different from the rest is that she managed to keep some physical evidence of the truth. So when Hillary and the Whitehouse staff started their normal coping mechanism and began to assassinate her character, she was able to halt the process.

    If Bill was entrapped, I need to believe he was entrapped quite often, and quite early.

      As a Republican I have reason to love Bill Clinton, he makes Richard Nixon look better.


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Re: Rude "BlackLivesMatter" asshole interrupts Hillary Clinton
« Reply #33 on: February 29, 2016, 11:57:37 PM »
A woman named Goldberg arranged to have Monica installed in the Whitehouse. She had a well known hankering to suck off men in positions of power.

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Re: Rude "BlackLivesMatter" asshole interrupts Hillary Clinton
« Reply #34 on: March 01, 2016, 12:26:20 AM »
A woman named Goldberg arranged to have Monica installed in the Whitehouse. She had a well known hankering to suck off men in positions of power.

Even if this were not piffle, which it is .

This is an explanation only for Monica.

Not for the many before her , enough that the whitehouse staff had an established procedure to handle "bimbo eruptions".

Doesn't it say something that the event was so regular that the  staff had a term for the phenomenon?

IN Yellowstone is a geyser called O'l faithful   which ejaculates regularly.

It has a lot in common with President Clinton , who is somehow not known as O'l Faithful.


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Re: Rude "BlackLivesMatter" asshole interrupts Hillary Clinton
« Reply #35 on: March 01, 2016, 02:39:30 AM »
A woman named Goldberg arranged to have Monica installed in the Whitehouse. She had a well known hankering to suck off men in positions of power.

And Clinton could have said NO.....ergo, no entrapment.  The only possible grounds for entrapment, under your scenario, is if Clinton had a sex drive disease, where he simply can't control himself around women.  Is that what you're trying to infer??  That could explain all the other women he sexually harassed & assaulted
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Re: Rude "BlackLivesMatter" asshole interrupts Hillary Clinton
« Reply #36 on: March 01, 2016, 12:58:48 PM »
It was deliberate entrapment.

The Starr witch hunt cost a fortunate and served no purpose.
It distracted the government. It ruined the political climate. It was fucking treasonous.
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Re: Rude "BlackLivesMatter" asshole interrupts Hillary Clinton
« Reply #37 on: March 01, 2016, 01:34:06 PM »
What "political climate"??

The only thing "deliberate" is his not saying no.  That's it...end of story.  There is no entrapment even if it was a room of Dallas Cheerleaders, all wearing nothing but silk ties

Once again, another demonstration on if a Clinton would have made the moral/ethical choice, there would have been no need for any investigation to begin with, ergo a fraction of a fraction of tax dollars spent.

You see, the only reason these get drawn out is because of all the obstruction and delaying tactics employed.  And then you guys have the gall to complain about the cost??
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Re: Rude "BlackLivesMatter" asshole interrupts Hillary Clinton
« Reply #38 on: March 01, 2016, 06:44:54 PM »
Three Things Mark Zuckerberg Won't Be Telling
Facebook Employees About Black Lives Matter

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is deeply, deeply troubled by the fact that people are writing "All Lives Matter" on Facebook's headquarters wall.

Later his week, Zuckerberg will be hosting a re-education camp town hall meeting to patiently explain to Facebook employees how awesome Black Lives Matter is.

For the edification of those employees, we thought we would do a brief rundown on a few things that Zuck will not be mentioning to them.

1) Black Lives Matter Are Pathologically Dishonest

It's been amply demonstrated that nearly every issue that Black Lives Matter protests about is based on lies.

Mike Brown never said "don't shoot" with his hands up. Sandra Bland wasn't killed by police, but killed herself after her family refused to bail her out. The recent case of a racist assault at the University of Albany promoted by Black Lives Matter turned out to be a hoax, and police are now prosecuting the "activists" behind it.

This isn't a shock, because the entire premise of Black Lives Matter is a falsehood. Statistically, the biggest threat to black Americans isn't white America, or the police, it's black Americans.

Zuckerberg hires a lot of people who know math. He better hope they don't actually look at the statistics.

2) Black Lives Matter Isn't Even Original

Black Lives Matter is essentially the Black Panther party reimagined by lesbians with smart phones.

The three self-described queer women who started the Black Lives Matter movement ripped off the main messaging of the Black Panthers but got rid of the cool sunglasses, leather jackets, and berets and replaced them with whining on social media about transgender issues fighting for the rights of illegal aliens.

Black Lives Matter even stole their original list of demands almost verbatim from the Black Panthers 10 Point Program. They have since erased that page.

Of course, the lesbian leadership of Black Lives Matter doesn't mention the fact that Black Panther party Minister of information Eldridge Cleaver compared homosexuality to "baby rape" in his book Soul on Ice, so we'll just get past that part, too.

Just because Mark Zuckerberg wore a hoodie day in and day out for years doesn't mean he's anything more than an annoying honky as far as black power activists are concerned.

3) Black Lives Matter Hates Free Speech

Whatever color it may be, we know one thing for sure about the skin of Black Lives Matter advocates: it is extremely thin.

If you want to get blocked quickly on Twitter by a Black Lives Matter advocate, it's usually as simple as disagreeing with them about anything. Many have learned that you don't even actually need to tweet at a Black Lives Matter advocate to get blocked, because in some cases if you're just tagged in a conversation they don't like and are white, they will block you.

But it's not just social media. Black Lives Matter advocates and allies have intimidated reporters in public spaces, trying to block people out of their "safe spaces".

Mark Zuckerberg should remember that since Facebook makes its living on the back of the First Amendment, he might not want to advocate for people who hate it so much.

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987