I would opine that the last "legacy" item Obama would want to be remembered for in his goal of "fundamentally transforming the United States", is what I would claim as being guns and the 2nd amendment. He got his Obamination Care. He gutted the Welfare system, in order to get as many people hooked onto Government services as he possibly could. He used executive orders whenever congress didn't bow to his leftiest agenda.....unless it was brought up in a lawsuit, at which time those orders were halted.
He's pushing executive orders on guns that we already have in law, proclaiming loopholes that don't exist, and is apparently on track to make purchasing ammunition much harder. What he desperately needs is a swing vote on the Supreme court to side with the anti-2nd amendment brigade. Everything I hear about Garland is that he's very nice, civil, & intelligent person, while his politics, based on his judicial decisions, provide him the label of center-left, as in not a Conservative in any way, a left leaning moderate at best. And his positions on gun control is exactly what Obama is looking for
This is very shrewd politics, on Obama's part. At any other juncture, this would likely be an acceptable nominee. This isn't just any other time in history. The left is salivating at what might be another liberal for the Court, which would "fundamentally change" the Supreme Court, where Justice Kennedy is no longer the swing vote. At any other time, this nominee could be considered acceptable. This is not that time
However.....if Trump or Cruz doesn't win the WH come Nov, Clinton will have the perceived green light to nominate a 29year old hard core liberal law student, who's bisexual. And the GOP is going to be in the position of having to give Clinton her pick, having made it clear that the next president should be making the open SCOTUS pick