Cities provide a market for agricultural products. cities provide diversity of thought, cities provide organization and education.
^This country is at least 80% urban by any definition. If rural life was so great, why did it lose out?
Farmers don't require markets, markets require farmers.
Farmers can get by pretty easily if they are left alone most of the time.
In Communist countries the rural culture was wiped out on purpose with collectivization , killing off the Kulaks engendering artificial famine and etcetera.
In Capitalist countries they instituted a death tax to make farming more an agribusiness proposition because a corporate person never pays a death tax, farmer persons do. So it is also in effect a measure for collectivitisation .
And either way the cities promise more than they can deliver and the farmers children pile up in the slums that ring most of the large cities on the planet.
Also there are periodic natural calamitys like floods and droughts, which interrupt the payments of mortgages.
Our Nation was founded on the supportive land and on a land use that was almost too productive, the availability of productive land staved off a great European famine .
Yet now we are converting to a feudal model in which hired farmers work for owners who live in the city.