...or perhaps better titled, Student Snowflakes. As it would appear that one of the commonalities that Sanders (& Clinton) are generating, is a growing chorus of malcontent students, who are so fragile, that the slightest phrase can apparently cause them considerable mental hardship. The erection of so called "safe zones". The notion that simply posting
#trump 2016 is akin to violence. I heard a story today where a black student got all upset after seeing some white guy in dreadlocks, and how dare he try to "co-opt her culture". Good God
This is a generation of ignorant millineals, who have no fricken clue about our Constutition, and in particular the 1st amendment. The freedom of speech includes speech that could possibly make your blood boil. Those that support the Constitution like myself, would defend someone's right to say something I would otherwise totally abhor. THAT's what seperates us from so many other countries on this globe. THATs what seperates us from a colonial England, a communist Russia, or a Fascist Germany