Yes , but armed guards would not really be better than the police, which we can afford to increase in number only just so much, not enough to have a policeman or armed guard everywhere that a woman might be ambushed.
Much more economical and practical to arm a large number of women, ideally every one of them.
To start with elect me as mayor of Chicago, also make Wayne LaPierre Wesley Snipes and Ted Nugent aldermen.
We would organize classes in gun safety , gun care and markswomanship , issuing to every woman that graduated a concealed carry permit and a coupon good for four hundred dollars at Chucks gun and pawn shop.
That is about it.
Soon there would be, as a well known fact, a few thousand pistol packin women spread randomly across the whole city at every strata and class.
Rapists would forget how , abusers would learn manners. Anyone shooting wildly in the presence of children will be ventilated by the armed mothers of those children. Neighborhood watch will mean something.
Oh and restrooms will need civility , not rules.
Oh yes , lets make a point of sensitivity, we will not ask women to prove that they are women before enrolling them in the training and gun subsidy program. Ersatz women will only prove that they are citizens of Chicago, after all they need safety too.
Two years tops , Chicago will be reformed , when Chicago Il. is as peaceful as Kennesaw Ga. the idea will be well proven Then we make me president and Ronald "R." Lee Ermey will be appointed safety czar for the nation so that the training can go national.
Five years later , when at least twenty percent of all our women are armed , we can reduce taxes by fifteen percent because we will need about that much less police and prisons.
Terrorism will be a dead letter, no terrorists will have the ambition to bring Islam to a nation of armed women. They will hate us for our freedom all the more , but the frustration will be beneficial to them.