But, do you mean that a single instance of demon inspired behavior would prove the principal, no matter how rare?
No, but a single part of the Bible that is clearly untrue means that the Bible is not perfect,and that suggests that it is not divinely inspired, either. And there is a whole BUNCH of inaccurate crap in the Bible. Google this sometime.
As for demons, they are invisible, odorless, tasteless and otherwise undetectable. Like angels. So I can't imagine how you could prove anything was caused by demons.
Demonic possession is generally thought of as superstition by most educated people.
It would be a black swan.
Proof of demons presence might be a bit dangerous to search for and present , so no thank you.
If you have some proof of their nonexistence I would like to see it , I am going to want something stronger than just that the cool crowd thinks so.
I don't know about an error in the Bible, I also cannot claim to understand everything in the bible, the bits I do not understand are not necessarily errors. If we had in our possession a truly true scripture with no errors at all in it, how would we know ?
Some of the "errors " just are not, like the rounding of Pi to three. Rounding Pi to three is rounding, rounding is not error, if you want a Pi that is not rounded at all you need to set aside a lot of time. How serious is the rounding error , the difference between Pi and three?
3.14 >3 by approximately 5%
Big one there, if you are really searching.
The age of the Earth isn't really given in scripture , though the age of humanity is implied by the number of "Begats".
How old does science say humanity is?
How old is human history, our collective memories ?
Comparing the Bible to a text on geology misses the point of the geology text as well as it misses the point of the Bible.
The Bible is also allowed to be allegorical , I do not think the beautiful woman described in the Song of Solomon had a neck that looked literally like a stone tower or breasts that looked literally like fauns. If you want to count that sort of thing as error, go on ahead but you are not going to enjoy Shakespeare much either.
So do I have to think that the tower of Babel touched the sky?
No , and I don't think anyone ever did, that does not make the story pointless.
So I think that the Bible is free of black swans , because I try to be realistic in my expectations. Some of the arguments against the accuracy of the bible carry their own black swan vulnerability , if you want to be that exacting.