I am for free education for those that can pass a reasonable entrance exam. I am for free tutoring to train them to pass the exam.
But the student must be motivated by a desire to actually LEARN.
The pass rate in remedial English in my college was about 40%, In math it was around 25%.
One reason students fail to learn is the multiple choice exam, in which the student is not asked to actually demonstrate the knowledge of the subject, but to choose between three to five multiple choice answers. Teachers love these, as they can grade a whole class of them in under 20 minutes with a Scantron machine.
The College had an "Honor Code" which meant that all students signed a paper promising not to cheat, copy or plagiarize. So the instructor would pass out an identical test and answer sheet to the entire class and then walk out of the room. The students cheated like bandits. If you assigned a term paper, one person would download some drivel from the Internet and print it out, and fifteen other students would submit the same paper. The slogan was "he can't fail all of us".
I never gave multiple choice or true false exams. I gave a different topic to each student and anyone turning in a report on someone else's topic got an F.