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The Party of Hate!
« on: April 05, 2016, 11:50:17 AM »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: The Party of Hate!
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2016, 05:30:43 PM »
Trump is the candidate of hate. Cruz is pretty hateful as well.
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Re: The Party of Hate!
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2016, 05:44:24 PM »
LOL.....and validating the cartoon all the more.  priceless
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Re: The Party of Hate!
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2016, 06:01:46 PM »
Mexico sends is rapists, Blacks commit 81% of all crimes committed against Whites. Government is improved by shutting it down, at a cost of millions and not one benefit.
Trump and Cruz are hateful assholes.
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Re: The Party of Hate!
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2016, 06:05:40 PM »
And the cartoon is again perpetuated.  Bravo
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Re: The Party of Hate!
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2016, 06:35:37 PM »
You are one ignorant fool, sirs. As hateful as the idiotic Republican'ts,
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Re: The Party of Hate!
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2016, 07:05:26 PM »
.....and again.  The cartoon is getting funnier each post      ;D
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Re: The Party of Hate!
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2016, 07:35:41 PM »
Here's another version of the hatred we see coursing thru the left's version of "tolerance"

The idea of American exceptionalism has been embedded in our collective DNA for generations. It is the faith-based belief that, as Ronald Reagan put it, America is a "shining city on a hill."

Do modern liberals believe that?

I almost never try to get into the other side's head or ascribe ill motives to those on the left. They are, I've always believed, misguided, not malign.

But I'm having second thoughts after listening to Barack Obama's defense of communism/socialism when he was in Argentina. He advised young people to get behind "what works" economically -- as if there is some deep mystery here.

Obama didn't misspeak. The modern left in America really has come to believe that communism, socialism, Marxism and totalitarianism are superior to free-market capitalism.

The president of the United States is supposed to be the global spokesman for free enterprise. But, instead of traveling to Cuba to point out to the world the decades of stagnation, deprivation and dehumanization at the hands of the Castros, and instead of using this moment in history to showcase the triumph of capitalism 90 miles away, Obama praises Cuba's health care and education systems.

He might as well have been praising Mussolini for making the trains run on time. Even more unbelievable: The media applauded.

How far the Democratic Party has fallen. Can anyone imagine Obama, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders having the gumption or wisdom to tell Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall"?

It wasn't so long ago that leading Democrats -- JFK, Harry Truman and even the AFL CIO -- were staunch enemies of communism. Today, there is no place for such beliefs within the progressive Democratic Party. If it involves ceding power to the state, the left is all for it -- as evidenced by the rise of Bernie Sanders.

But for every action, there is a reaction, and the left's lunacy has given momentum to the tumultuous uprising on the right this year. Millions of voters who support Donald Trump want our government to put America first and focus on our own mounting problems at home, then worry about Europe, Israel, the melting ice caps, AIDS in Africa and so on. If your house is burning down, you put out that fire and save your own children trapped on the second floor, before you go down the street and put the fire out at your neighbors' house.

Here's just one observational data point that, admittedly, is anecdotal but speaks volumes about the left-right divide in America. At a typical Donald Trump or Ted Cruz rally, you will see American flags waving everywhere. These are patriotic gatherings. At Sanders events, you will see some flags, but not many -- because if you are a leftist, it's not cool to love America. What is much cooler is wearing a Che Guevera T-shirt.

At a Republican rally, you typically meet many veterans who served our country with honor and valor. Some who protest at Trump rallies detest those who are wearing military uniforms and call them fascists and give the Nazi salute. I've seen it happen. I want to grab these brats and shout at them like Jack Nicholson did in "A Few Good Men": "I would rather you just said 'thank you' and went on your way."

Trump voters see America losing both the economic and cultural wars vital to national survival. We have a $19 trillion national debt that has doubled in the past decade. We have wages flat or falling for most Americans. We have a political class that is actively trying to destroy whole industries -- coal production, oil and gas, community banks and so many others.

We have a president (along with the intellectual class) pushing a radical climate change agenda that will cost the middle class millions of jobs, but won't change the global temperature by a hundredth of a degree. Trade deals seem to be drafted to benefit foreign workers and businesses over our own. America pays far more than its share for programs like the United Nations and NATO. Our public schools put teachers first, not kids, and they often don't adequately educate.

We have courts overturning the will of the people in state after state on issues such as gay marriage. We have speech police. We have illegal immigrants who work here and live here and then wave the Mexican flag at rallies, as if to be intentionally offensive. (And I'm in favor of immigration.)

Then they wonder why Americans want a wall.

We have the TSA searching the underwear of infants but letting certain adults pass through without inspection because we wouldn't want to be accused of profiling.

We have a Justice Department thinking about prosecuting people for questioning the climate change "consensus."

This is the same crowd that seems to prefer the economic systems in Sweden and Greece and Cuba over America's. They preach human rights, but they don't seem to understand that economic freedom is a core human right.
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Re: The Party of Hate!
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2016, 12:33:39 PM »
Not payoing taxes is not "economic freedom".
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Re: The Party of Hate!
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2016, 12:50:34 PM »
Who's advocating not paying taxes?? 

And what does that have to do with economic freedom, as explained on the commentary??

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Re: The Party of Hate!
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2016, 02:45:04 PM »
You tell me.
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Re: The Party of Hate!
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2016, 03:19:06 PM »
Well considering neither I nor the anyone else posting in this thread, including the author of this op-ed. made such a claim, that falls on you to answer, since YOU are the one who brought it up
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Re: The Party of Hate!
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2016, 10:57:35 AM »
I do drop by from time to time and take a quick look through the thread topics to see if anything interests me enough to read and, possibly, respond. Usually I just move on. It has gotten so sparse in here, one can pretty much look at the title and who started the thread and know what it's going to be. Mostly it's the same old bullshit.

I've been seeing this one for a few days - The Party of Hate! (one must not forget to add the obligatory exclamation point, C4's favorite punctuation) - and, seeing who started the thread, I've given it a pass. I quit bothering to look at C4's crap long ago. To me, he's noise.

Anyway, that title keeps coming back, The Party of Hate! Kinda nagged at me. The more I thought about it...

Well, here's my take on it.

C4, you and the others in here only have to look at your thread titles to get an idea who The Party of Hate is. Muzzies? Really? Making fun of a murdered hitchhiker? Not hard to see which way you lean.

But I digress. Okay, so which party candidate is calling for a fence along our southern border? Which one is calling for barring Muslims? Which party keeps promising, not to reform Obamacare and the health care system, but to repeal it, without offering an alternative? Which party wants to force women to pay for making the mistake of getting pregnant by forcing them to have the babies - with no provisions for caring for those unwanted children, born more often than not to mother s who have no father in the picture and no means to support the child? Which party is trying to prevent people who are 'different' (the LGBT community) from having the same rights as the 'straight' people? The list goes on, but I'd say if you want to brand one party as The Party of Hate, you'd have to look at the Republican party.

That said, I can't figure out why I bother to keep l looking in here. Hell, even BT seems to have given up on the place. It's always C4 posting stupid pictures, Sirs and X calling names, Plane - well, Plane tries to maintain an even keel, but I hate chasing off site links. Kimba is about the only one I look in on. This used to be a great place, a lot of great members, plenty of topics, opinions, things to talk about. Now it's beyond dying, it's dead. I see guests looking all the time, but never see any join in, and I don't wonder why - if they look and see what I see when I drop in, who can blame them for moving on?
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Re: The Party of Hate!
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2016, 12:53:36 PM »
Trump has clearly taken on nativist, anti gay and religious fundamentalist topics for the purpose of getting free attention. Trump is a very good huckster, and he uses the media to give him free attention.  He is also a hypocrite for saying that he doesn't want  supporters money when he is peddling his silly hats at a 300% markup or better and asking for contributions on his website.

Trump uses hate, just as Nixon, Reagan, Wallace, Olebush and Juniorbush did.
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Re: The Party of Hate!
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2016, 02:41:14 PM »
Mostly it's the same old bullshit.

Wow we had to wait for such a high minded "raise the bar" hypocrite!

I quit bothering to look at C4's crap long ago. To me, he's noise.

Oh my heart is broken...that "you quit looking" but then you still respond.

C4, you and the others in here only have to look at your thread titles to get an idea who The Party of Hate is.
Muzzies? Really? Making fun of a murdered hitchhiker? Not hard to see which way you lean.

Yes I "lean" towards not being fond of those threatening world peace with their daily
world headlines murdering innocent people in the name of their religion and their dumb and/or naive apologists on the Left.

Here are some of the headlines from just this week:

"Religion of Peace" Atrocities of the Week

Atheist Hacked to Death

2016.04.06 (Syria)
A pregnant woman and three children are among over a dozen left dead after terrorists fire rockets into a Kurdish neighborhood.

2016.04.06 (Niger)
Three civilians are reduced to disparate parts by two Fedayeen suicide bombers.

2016.04.05 (Afghanistan)
Children are among six killed when a suicide bomber detonates near a school.

2016.04.04 (Iraq)
A suicide bomber detonates at a restaurant frequented by Shiites, killing at least fourteen.

2016.04.02 (Syria)
Caliphate members murder a man in front of his family and hang from a traffic light.

2016.04.01 (Syria)
A mass grave is discovered containing women and children among other victims of the Islamic State.

Okay, so which party candidate is calling for a fence along our southern border?

Well to begin with the leading Democratic nominee stated late 2015 that she voted numerous times
to build a barrier along the Mexican border to keep illegal immigrants from coming in. So is that "hate"?

Which one is calling for barring Muslims?

Following Muslim inspired terror attacks in Paris, Germany, California, and elsewhere Mr. Trump
proposed a temporary ban on Muslim immigration until we can better vet who these people are.
So your statement is patently false and inflammatory by design, but not unexpected.

Which party keeps promising, not to reform Obamacare and the health care system,
but to repeal it, without offering an alternative?

So in your warped logic it qualifies as "hate" to repeal an enormous ticking
time bomb that is soon to explode. I own a business and I can tell you
first hand that this is literally about to explode. Hard working people
that had decent healthcare are about to get totally screwed by this
insanity called ObamaCare that ruins the healthcare of the many
to pay for the healthcare of a few.

Of course in typical Washington corruptness many have been given repeated 1 year exemptions from the insanity, but from what we hear surprise surprise guess when the exemptions will end...which will mean implosion...oh the exemptions are supposed to end right as Obama leaves convenient.

Which party wants to force women to pay for making the mistake of getting pregnant by forcing them to have the babies - with no provisions for caring for those unwanted children, born more often than not to mother s who have no father in the picture and no means to support the child?

No provisions?
The US gvt spends billions on unwed Mothers already.
I don't see Mothers and children on curbs starving,
in fact I personally know unwed Mothers that get all kinds of help public and private.
Plus the unwed Mother is not the only one in the equation.
If Republicans "HATE" the unwed Mother, then you must "HATE" the baby.

By law we protect unborn Bald Eagles, but not unborn humans? Shameful!
This is what HATE really looks like!

That said, I can't figure out why I bother to keep l looking in here. Hell, even BT seems to have given up on the place. It's always C4 posting stupid pictures, Sirs and X calling names, Plane - well, Plane tries to maintain an even keel, but I hate chasing off site links. Kimba is about the only one I look in on. This used to be a great place, a lot of great members, plenty of topics, opinions, things to talk about. Now it's beyond dying, it's dead. I see guests looking all the time, but never see any join in, and I don't wonder why - if they look and see what I see when I drop in, who can blame them for moving on?

Yes this place pretty dead.
Obviously all of us have "moved on" to varying degrees.
I know I have moved on too.
This is one of many places I discuss politics online.

after your repeated hypocritical insults...
remember this is AFTER....
let it be known that you were never one of my favorites
but I don't really give a shit who you 'like" or "dislike"
I have a great life and at my age i really don't care anymore about such pettiness
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987