LOL, high minded as opposed to what? Your gutter bigotry?
Did I hurt widdums feewings?
Sorry, C, called 'em as I see 'em. Your mileage may vary.
Plane, at this stage, it doesn't matter. But suppose Joe Schmoe is fooling around looking for, oh, hell, I don't know, a debate forum. He Googles debate and, viola, there's Debategate. He pops in and takes a look and sees a topic he might be interested in, opens it, and finds - only a link to another site. No article or pics or other description, just a link. Now, it's just me, so don't take it to heart, but I don't tend to go leaping around from link to link. I see a subject title, open the thread, I like to see something on that subject other than just a link. But like I said, that's just me.
This was such a great place once.