You are apparently illiterate of an important economic fact.
In order to prevent wild swings in the national economy (the booms and busts that afflicted the US economy between 1790 and 1940), it has become apparent that a small amount of inflation is necessary to serve as a buffer. This is built into the system through the Fed and monetary policy.
If you are paid $10 an hour this year, next year the purchasing power is typically diminished by 2%, so now your $10 has only $9.80 of purchasing power,and this goes down each year. Rent, food, clothing and such go up. If the minimum is not raised, then the minimum wage earner gets an actual salary REDUCTION each year.
I use $10 in order to make it more easily understood.
Inflation is a constant. A dollar this year will be worth 98ยข next year.
Workers have a right to be able to support themselves,