Your human opinion hss been duly noted, weighed, measured, and summarily discarded
Let me evaluate a bit before you discard.
Oh believe me Plane, this issue has been thoroughly evaluated.
Xo thinks he's being "smart" by trying so hard to make the case that God has scientific boundaries, limited by physics, that humans should be able to then understand. But since God doesn't and can't be, then by design, God is a delusion, and must not exist, except in the supposed warped minds of those who believe
So, not only does he take scripture out of context to claim what believers must believe and support, the other avenue he wastes so much time on is the ongoing attempt to connect God with science, all the while ignoring the limitations of human intelligence. In fact, while he proclaims that believers must have the mindset of both the Taliban, and the belief that man is the center of everything, its ironically xo who's implying that humans are the center of everything, based on science and our level of human intelligence. Apparently we can think ourselves thru anything, and anything we can't must then be a delusion
That's why his latest opinion has been summarily discarded.....its just more of the same AMBE, dressed up as rational thought, all the while ignoring the limitations of the human mind