As a whole with the War on Terrorism (not just in Iraq) I still disagree Sirs.
That's not surprising, especially when we have 2 apparent different sources (why's) to the terrorism
People aren't born evil. They aren't born torturers, murderers, bombers, and terrorists.
Never said they were. Most, if not all are "educated" in that direction. Some would call it cradle to grave propaganda. When you have textbooks that continue to show how Israel doesn't exist in your geographical region, when you have school children being taught as soon as they can grasp concepts how Israel, and any who support them, as the source of all their strife, poverty, disease & death, when you have radicals who will mutate the message of Islam to justify killing those monkeys, and infidels, that's when we get evil torturers, murderers, suicide bombers, and terrorists.
There is much more to this than militant Islam and an attempt to convert the world. They have to be able to convince people to join their cause. It is at that point that we can stop them, not through the violence of war, but through other means. We have to make these people see that this world is not so terrible that innocent people need to be murdered.
Something "greater" than trying to convert the world? Interesting. Js, religion is a powerful tool. We all recognize that. And made more powerful to folks who are either ignorant or taught to be. According to a former Muslim/PLO Terrorist, Walid Shoebat
"It is a fallacy that 'jihad' represents an 'inner struggle'. There are over 100 quotes by Muhammad referring to jihad by the sword, by killing, by taking no prisoners, by forced conversion, or by enslavement, and only 1 quote referring to an 'internal struggle'" Radical Islamic militants assert that Jihad is an actual war of conquest, entirely without limits or constraints, and that all nations and their peoples, who are not followers of Islam are inherently enemies of Islam itself, and therefor must either be converted, subjugated, or the name of Allah. Now is this rational? plausible? probably not. But will that stop them from targeting and killing innocents? Absolutely not. And the way to "convince them", as you say is to convince the moderate and peaceful Muslims/Arabs/Persians/etc, of precisely what's being done to their religion of Islam, by these folks. Yet you keep finding/rationalizing ways to claim how they can't
It is a bit like the riots of the late 60's in a lot of US cities and riots that would take place in places like Brixton 20 years later in Britain. Some people refer to them as "race riots" and leave it at that. But there is always something more, something deeper. It doesn't excuse rioting behavior, but it gives a better perspective to the frustrations of the communities where it takes place.
Plurality and Peaceful Co-existence is not an option with Islamofascism/militant Islam. I'm not sure when you're going to gome to that realization
I'm not talking about appeasing anyone. I'm talking about exactly what I said: We need to address the underlying problems that have led so many to hatred and desperation. We cannot answer the violence of terrorism with the violence of war. We have to demonstrate a different path, a better path.
You're talking about addressing a symptom (Israeli/Palestinian conflict, and your perceived evil apartheid that Israel is supposedly practicing, while I'm trying to get you to focus on the problem of militant Islam. As I've referenced before, the modern incarnation of fascist totalitarianism is located in radical fundamental Islam, and it's members. They see Islam as the perfect religion, destined to rule the world and, with one of their primary responsibilities being to purge it of the infidel. Yes, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is a by product of it, but in its current manifestation, the Palestinians are simply being used by these radicals to justify their murdering
Don't confuse working to life up those in desperate poverty in the Islamic countries with appeasing terrorism. I'm not referencing Palestinians alone, in fact I think you'll find that none of the 9/11 terrorists were Palestinian.
When you keep referencing how we need to understand what makes them "terrorists" get angry and do the vile and murderous acts they do, I'm sorry, that's the road to appeasement. Note how you helped make my point about 911 terrorists not being Palestinian. I never claimed they were. I claimed, and accurate I do believe, of being members of militant Islam, who attacked us on 911, NOT because of our support of Israel, but because of our overall non-Muslim ways, basically being the head infidel. IIRC, did you realize before 911, and I do believe even before we went into Afghanistan, at no time did Usama or AlQeada reference the plight of the Palestinians? It wasn't until after our military intervention, and kicking their butts into the mountains, that all of a sudden their actions are supposedly at the behest and support of the Palestinian cause. BS, it's at in the support of their cause.
And also, as I keep telling you, not all Palestinians are Muslim. You seem to very often confuse political terrorism with religious terrorism.
Nor have I been laying claim that it's strictly Palestinian/Muslim. You seem to confuse what I've been saying with what you think I must mean.
It has to come from within. It has to come from the Muslim community. They have to rise up and condemn these factions, and take a much more active roll in taking them out.
Again, I think you fail to understand the organization of Islam. Most Muslims do not wish to be a part of militant Islam. I don't recall any of you talking about how Christians should stand up and and condemn the IRA or the UVF. They've killed quite a few people as well. Why wasn't that a "Christian problem" yet this is a "Muslim problem?"....I said some Arab nations cannot recognize Israel due to internal political reasons. The problem you have is that you don't understand the politics of the region at all and you cannot separate the political and the religious
Any murder in the name of God, Allah, or whatever is not only a problem, but requires condemnation in order to provide it both the context and perspective to other moderates and those trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Are you trying to say that since you didn't hear enough condemnation aimed at the IRA, that this requires the same be fair, or something?? Again, the one best NON-violent approach to disarming militant Islam, and in turn address the issues of the Palestinians, you find ways to rationalize how it can't be done, Then condemn us and Israel when we use violent means in dealing with these terrorists. Frellin amazing You again put this all on Israel to change their "evil ways", and pray to God that the terrorist organizations & Radical Islamic militants, bent on seeing their destruction magically start joining hands and singing KumBaYa.
I'm not attacking you Sirs, not at all. But I think one should understand the region and the people before going to war with them, or making blanket statements about them. Otherwise you and a lot of Americans tend to suffer from the same disease of placing American-similarities on every global situation.
I realize you're not attacking me personally, nor is Miss Henny, and I sure hope it doesn't come off that I'm attacking you, since I'm not. I simply wish you could open your eyes and objectively get past the Palestinian problem as if that's the core gripe behind militant Islam, and see that ideology for what it is, a malignancy, one that has hijacked a perfectly peaceful and loving religion, using it to justify the slaughter of thousands upon thousands of innocent men, women, and children. Does it mean we shelve the Palestinian problem?, of course not. Does it mean that Israel is pure and mountain rain water?, obviously not. It means before we can tackle that symptom, we need to deal with the disease. And if you're going to continue to lock up our best non-violent chance at dealing with it, up in the medicine cabinet, our patient is just going to keep getting sicker........perhaps even die.