What is the difference between being "at war with enemy neighbors" and "surrounded by neighbors at war with them"?
Nothing. I already made it clear,
we're not talking about actual Governments. We're talking about being geographically surrounded by enemies, intent on seeing an end to Israel, and as you yourself have conceded, have taken up haven in all those territories that surround Israel. That includes terrorist cells in both Jordan & Egypt, as well as Lebanon & Syria.
So no, Dr Deflection, I'm not referring to the Government's and whatever condition they're in or arrangements they have with Israel, I've been in consistent referral to agencies such as Hamas, Hezbollah, terrorist cells spread from the Sudan to Syria, all of which, that despite not having the same military machine Israel has, is indeed warring with Israel, from all land-based directions. And until they're made to be stopped, the status quo will continue. It matters not what Israel does, its their mere existence that produces the warring