Sez you.
Yea, sez me. If you want to pull the immoral card, so can I
My main point is that no one who runs a casino is the sort of person who should be considered fit to run my country.
Putting aside that Trump doesn't actually manage or run any of the casinos, he simply owns them, I can claim, with even more validity, that anyone so careless, so reckless, as to maintain so many of our country's military & intelligence information, on a personal unsecured private server. COMPLETELY CONTRARY to Federal Guidelines, and to what she signed herself, is not the "sort of person, who should be considered fit to run my country" either. And let's not even get started with the money laundering Clinton Foundation
Clinton is nothing but a very skilled, run of the mill, corrupt politician, with name recognition. Many in her own party have said they will not vote for her.