In 1948, the fig tree (Israel) began to put forth leaves, so to speak, and Jesus said that generation would see "all these things" fulfilled.
Dude, you ought to read what famous Jewish thinker Maimonides said about Jesus.
Jesus had a bad history with fig trees. And apparently the mysteries of agronomy as well.
When all the Jews live in Eretz Israel, then all the things will be fulfilled. Hosanna, Hosanna and Hallelujah!
When will all the Jews return to Eretz Israel? This will happen when the Red Heifer is sacrificed, the Dome of the Rock is razed and replaced with the Third Temple. Goldman, Sachs will be sold to Wasps and renamed Entwhistle and Windsor, And wild unicorns roam the Earth once more.
Hosanna, Hosanna and Hallelujah!