No need to. I have a 2nd Amendment right to defend myself with a firearm, that's just as important as your 1st Amendment right to spew irrational nonsense
Let me modify the above, to be a tad less blunt & obnoxious. Despite the ongoing inferrences, there is no indication, what-so-ever, in anywhere in the Constitution, that the 2nd amendment to the Constitution, had anything to do with slavery or hunting slaves, or hunting in general. The fact that there were slaves back in the day the Constitution was formulated and ratified is irrelevent. Doesn't matter what slave owners bitched and moaned about, the Constitution, in particular, the Bill of Rights, were specific rights GURANTEED to ALL its citizens....period. The language couldn't be clearer. The 1st, the 4th, the 10th, ALL of them are specific INDIVIDUAL rights.
There are no sub set of rights. There was no "*wink wink*, the 2nd is just for you folks to round up slaves, while all the others are for individuals". There was no limited application to some form of militia. The language of the 2nd amendment is clear, in that while its a good thing to have a well regulated militia, that's NOT to be confused that the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
Only those purposely trying to misrepresent the 2nd amendment, are trying to make it look confusing