The father of the Orlando shooter was not a Taliban supporter when he arrived here, so this point is moot.
The actual enemy in Afghanistan was not the Taliban, it was Al Qaeda. The US fights the Taliban because it is resisting the government the US arranged to install in Afghanistan.
The Soviets invaded Afghanistan because Brzezinski was using it to sent Muslim religious fanatics, trained in Saudi Arabia into Soviet Central Asia , to destabilize that part of the Soviet Union. His motive was vengeance on the Soviets because decades before, Stalin wiped out most of the Polish aristocracy in Katyn Woods,and blamed it on Hitler. The US erroneously allowed the Polish fanatic, Brzezinski to use our country for a program that was contrary to US interests. This is the sort of black ops crap the CIA has done for years that have endangered our country and our people.
Why should Trump not show his tax forms like every other candidate?
I accuse all of you of dodging this issue. This is entirely unrelated to Hillary.
Why give this exploitative asshole. of all people, a pass?
If Hillary can do this, so can Trump.