from the Juan Cole website
<<American Jews, Blacks, Fiercest Opponents of Iraq War
<<77% of American Jews oppose the Iraq war, according to a new Gallup poll. Only Black Protestants are more opposed, at 78%. >>
I can't tell you how good this makes me feel. After all the attempts of Bush and his neocon shits to prostitute themselves for the American Jewish vote (or apparently the AIPAC dollar would be more accurate) the Jews of America stayed true to their basic liberal principles and oppose this fraudulent, criminal act of aggression. And kudos to the black Prods as well, God bless them. Who says ALL the news coming out of America has to be rotten and depressing?
Looks like there are SOME victims of fascism, racism and militarism who have not forgotten who the real enemy is.
If you subtract from the sum the Jews, the Blacks, and the rightwing political Believers, the other category is the Whites.
Of the Whites, some are hawks, now and next time.
But the majority of these Whites have not earned the label of hawks because they don't think like that.
But what of these Whites? Truth is, they have taken the oath at their local Country Club to acquiess their thinking to the dogma of Corporate America. Truth is, they really don't feel like they have the freedom anymore to speak in any way except how they would at a Company Party, where puckers occupy most of the activity above the shoulder. If you mention 'Neocons' to these people, they turn red and look at their feet. They have nothing to say, because they think it makes their jobs safe. It does, of course.
In Germany, it was exactly this majority that allowed Adoph to insinuate himself at the center of their wheel. It--the dutiful vanilla lemmings majority--gave permission to turn Germany into a fascist nation.
And as you know, it is happening here.
One story flew beneath the radar--the one where Alberto Gonzales, Fieldmarshall of the New Law, was out about the Bible Belt coaching Baptists how to sue their critics like Scientologists do, emphacizing the power aspect, and demonstrating a surprising initiated diviseness through the usual conduit--the mega-church programmers.
Alberto Gonzales is a posterboy for fascists in America.