Mrs Clinton, the presumtive Democratic Presidential nominee is having a CRIMINAL investigation performed by the FBI, and a tangential investigation iinto the Clinton Foundation, however they merely investigate, and make their recommendations to the Justice Dept. The Justice Dept, headed by Democrat Loretta Lynch, placed in that position by a Democratic President, will make the decision, as to if there will be any criminal indictment of their presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee.
Have I missed anything yet?
And just to add to that timetable, the State Dept, having had months to prepare, under court order to release all the Clinton foundation e-mails by this July, have now had that ruling the Justice Dept, to have that release of all those e-mails delayed by.....over 20months (how convenient)
And we're to expect "impartiality" by this Justice Dept, and Lynch?
It's clear that Clinton broke Federal law, in how she manipulated her private e-mail server contrary to current law, and guidlines, she herself signed to follow.
It's clear that National Security was compromised with this effort to keep the Constitutional function of Congressional oversight at bay, validated by the effort to scrub the server before being forced to turn it over, via judicial subpoena
It's clear to that the Justice Dept has every intention to "look the other way", given that its apparent that party loyalty trumps rule of law. Pretty scary when that's the legal arm of the executive branch
Where am I wrong?