I like Biden as well.
I might have voted for him in the primary, but his name was not on the ballot.
But Hillary is a bazillion times better than Trump.
The meme that Trump is so rich he doesn't need to steal seems logical, but it is belied by the fact that even after Trump has every conceivable comfort that anyone could possibly need, he scams fools in his houseflipping courses with his bogus "university".
Now he claims that a six-pointed star on a pile of money sent in one of his tweets is not really a Star of David, it is just a star.
Let us consider stars: three pointed star? Mercedes Benz
Four pointed star? Lincoln and several other brands.
Five pointed star? There are fifty of these on ove flag. Chrysler uses a pentagon star combo they call the Pentastar.
Seven pointed star? Wyatt Earp's badge
Six pointed star? Most of the residents of Auschwitz wore these. There is one on the Presbyterian flag. Trump is considering naming Newt Gingrich, prominent failrd Speaker and congressman and fellow serial arm candy connoisseur as his running mate. The Newtster ran his presidential campaign on themoney of Prominent Presbyterian Sheldon Adelson.
https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?hspart=adk&hsimp=yhs-adk_sbnt&p=adelson&type=appfocus5_dm_ff¶m1=20160616¶m2=0910b609-eb0b-4001-a79f-0cb38eff3a6d¶m3=dm_0.2.1~US~appfocus5¶m4=googledisplay~firefox"It's just a star!" says Trump.
I suspect that it was posted by someone who wanted to sabotage Trump.