My issue with BLM is brought up here %4 killed by white police are black . Im not saying 4% is a acceptable loss but that the 96% gets no coverage to anything near that level.
BINGO!! If the only media spectrum were the MSM, you'd think those #'s were reversed. In reality, race relations are worse, NOT because of supposed "racist cops", but by a culture that continues to teach their youth, that there's no need to respect ANY cops. That a command on the Police's part, is arguably racist in nature, and so you're justified in not obeying....or worse, resisting. THAT's when tragic accidents occur. NOT because a cop is bent on killing some black, but because they're having to deal with a growing population of blacks who have been conditioned to believe they are victims of their economic/social condition, and that its the white man's fault, giving their actions supposed justification
For instance, the Minnesota officer who whot the black, appears to have been completely in the wrong. And yet, with the growing drumbeat of BLM folks calling for death to cops, especially white cops, an officer may react poorly to a situation, where someone is legally armed.
But more to Kimba's point....the 94% of those shot and killed by white cops, are not black. And the number of those instances, as a % of the millions of contacts officers make in a day, demonstrate just how few are shot and killed. The media all but ignore the black on black shootings, that headline Chicago on a daily basis. I just read of some black killing a former military fella, and executing his wife, both of them being white. Can you imagine the media coverage if the races were reversed...but instead, nothing but crickets
As I was trying to convey to Professor nearly always Wrong, no one should be killed in either police custody, or simply pulled over for a traffic stop. ANY officer that acts irresponsibly, should absolutely be held accountable, and in nearly all these cases, when all the facts come out, its almost always a justifyable act by the Police. Not sure that's going to be the case in Minnesota, but let's push for more media attention to ALL people involved.
Black lives do matter...but no more than any other