BT: I understand. Of course the militant Islamists are responsible for the crime they committed. In that there should be no doubt. Yet, the conclusion that many here draw is that all of Islam is responsible, or that "political correctness" (whatever that nebulous term means) is responsible, or that this somehow vindicates everything some long dead Byzantine Emperor said of Islam. I think that in that respect we are making the same point.
Sirs: If anyone is not calling a duck a duck, it is you. You are calling every bird a duck and hoping that someone will declare open season.
You never said Arab Christians were fascists, that's the problem. The most succesful Arab Fascists were a group of Syrian Christians who founded the Baath Party. But that fact undermines the oversimplification on your part that every terrorist group in the Middle East, Indonesia, Phillipines, and anywhere else that is remotely tied to Muslims has the exact same goals, desires, and methods. Oh, and they share the same political philosophy that Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco shared - Fascism.
You don't even come close to "calling a duck a duck." You don't want to learn the complexities that go along with Islam, life in the Middle East, the different races and sub-goups within Islam, the different histories of those groups, how they fare today and what they see as modern injustices. Nope, that's too complex. Like a child, you want one simple answer, which is to group them all in one category of "Islamofascism" because W and your blogger, radio pals say so.
Thinking critically takes effort. Interesting that you select "duck" by the way, there are nine sub-families of ducks as they are difficult to classify in one single family of Anatidae.