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 Trump was coronated like a “maximum leader”

With the TV sound off, Donald Trump’s Republican National Convention looked like a textbook case of personality cult

Trump appeared from behind a screen, surrounded in smoke, like a Hollywood version of Moses descending from the mountain

Many prime-time speaking slots went to Trump family members and employees, as if it were a Trump family celebration
The silhouette of Donald Trump, presumptive 2016 Republican presidential nominee, on stage during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland on Monday. David Paul Morris Bloomberg

By Andrés Oppenheimer

I learned in journalism school that what you see often is more important than what you hear, so I decided to turn off the television volume during much of the Republican National Convention that proclaimed Donald Trump as the Republican's presidential candidate, and to take notes. Here is what I saw.

First, it was a sea of white faces. The crowd looked like a reflection of an all-white America that has long ceased to exist. Sure, there were some black, Asian and Latino faces at the arena, but they were so few and far between that the TV cameras seemed go back constantly to the same ones, as if they couldn't find any others in the crowd.

Actually, the cameras may have had a hard time spotting them: there were only 18 black delegates among the 2,472 at the convention, according to a Washington Post count of registered delegates. "There are likely fewer black delegates to the Republican convention than at any point in at least a century," read a July 19 headline in the Washington Post.

It's no wonder that Trump could draw so few minorities to his coronation in Cleveland: Only 6 percent of black Americans plan to vote for Trump, according to an NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll. In Ohio, the percentage of African-Americans who plan to vote for Trump is zero, according to the same poll.

Among Hispanics, Trump is not doing much better: Only 11 percent of Latino voters have a favorable view of him, according to a Telemundo poll. By comparison, then-Republican candidate George W. Bush got 40 percent of the Latino vote in 2004, John McCain got 31 percent in 2008, and Mitt Romney got 27 percent in 2012.

Second, Trump's nomination looked like a textbook case of personality cult. In his first appearance at the convention, on Monday, Trump's silhouette emerged slowly from behind a white screen amid a cloud of smoke, like a Hollywood version of Moses descending from the mountain with God-given words of wisdom. As he walked forward with his hands clasped, as if he were a holy man, the smoke machines and the music came to a halt, and the crowd roared.

Third, it looked like a Trump family — or a Trump Enterprises — party. While in most political conventions the candidate shows up on the last night to make his acceptance speech, Trump was front and center — his chin up, his eyes fixed on the horizon — every night.

And some of the convention's other prime-time speaking slots were given to his wife, Melania, and to his children Tiffany, Donald Jr., Eric and Ivanka. Other prime-time speakers included Trump employees such as Lynn Patton, vice-president of the Eric Trump Foundation.

Granted, it may have been that many of the Republican Party's biggest names didn't attend — including McCain, Romney and former Republican presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush — in a clear sign of protest against Trump's nomination. Or it could have be that Trump, who married three times and is haunted by a history of making sexist remarks, desperately needed to project the image of a family man.

Third, looking at the signs held by the crowd, they all contained the same word: again. Echoing Trump's campaign motto, they read "Let's make America great again," or "Let's make America strong again," or "Let's make America safe again."

All signs seemed to call for the resurrection of a supposedly idyllic American past. Does Trump's "again" refer to the times before women, blacks or Hispanics could be elected presidents? Does the "again" refer to the time when the last Republican administration left America with its worst economic crisis in recent memory, in 2008? Trump has yet to explain what he means with his "again."

My opinion: Watching much of the Republican convention with the television sound off, to better concentrate on what I could see, it looked like the coronation of a "Maximum leader," like the many I have witnessed in Latin America and other developing nations. It was personality cult at it worse, and a bad omen for what is to come if Trump wins.

Watch the “Oppenheimer Presenta” tv show Sundays at 9 p.m. on CNN en Español. Twitter: @oppenheimera

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Re: Maximum Leader crowned by the Whitest GOP Convention in 40 years
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2016, 03:22:40 PM »
  Don't blame Georgia. 25% of the black delegates at this convention were Georgians.

    All right New York, Florida and California , what is the matter with you?

     I know that you have people living there that could have helped the optics, why didn't they come?


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Re: Maximum Leader crowned by the Whitest GOP Convention in 40 years
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2016, 05:30:03 PM »
They were not Trump delegates.  If there were only 18 Black delegates, they must have all been from Georgia.

The voters in GOP primaries were nearly all White. They sent fellow White people who favored Trump to the Convention. Black people mostly loathe Trump, just as Trump loathes them.
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Re: Maximum Leader crowned by the Whitest GOP Convention in 40 years
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2016, 07:33:05 PM »
They were not Trump delegates.  If there were only 18 Black delegates, they must have all been from Georgia.

The voters in GOP primaries were nearly all White. They sent fellow White people who favored Trump to the Convention. Black people mostly loathe Trump, just as Trump loathes them.


They must be listening to Democrats.

It's likely the lowest number of black delegations nationwide at a Republican convention in generations, but for Georgia it's a recent high.

       There is really no obstacle at all to black people becoming successful Republicans , but here we are , with so few trying.


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Re: Maximum Leader crowned by the Whitest GOP Convention in 40 years
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2016, 07:39:17 PM »
The thing is that Black people do not like Trump and do not  identify with the Republican't Party.

Of course, it is all Al Sharpton's fault.
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Re: Maximum Leader crowned by the Whitest GOP Convention in 40 years
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2016, 10:19:31 PM »
They are free to join and use the Republican party if they wish.

On our part any way.

The Democrats won't allow them to make such a choice . I don't understand how this does not cause resentment.


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Re: Maximum Leader crowned by the Whitest GOP Convention in 40 years
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2016, 09:53:16 AM »
Democrats do not allow or disallow any Black person from supporting Republicans.

Republicans have done everything but declare themselves to be the party of racists and bigots.

Ryan publicly admitted that Trump was a racist, then supported him anyway.

Black people have no reason to support the GOP. And they don't.
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Re: Maximum Leader crowned by the Whitest GOP Convention in 40 years
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2016, 08:21:08 PM »
Democrats do not allow or disallow any Black person from supporting Republicans.

Republicans have done everything but declare themselves to be the party of racists and bigots.

Republicans have specifically NEVER declared themselves the party of racists and bigots. You are thinking of the Democrats who were the authors of 100% of all the Jim Crow laws and regulations.

    The Democrats are whitewashing their past (hehehehe).

Allen West has had a distinguished career as a Republican , and this career is not over yet. Yes president Bush fired him from the Army , but other than that the Republican party has never done anything to withhold support or impede his progress. It is democrats that revile him, entirely unjustly and with extreme racial bias.

Indeed the Republicans never do promote white supremacy nor reward racial preference policies.

The meme that they do is a job for MYthbusters. 

     Would you like to recall the post racial America that Obama was supposed to be ushering in? Seems ages ago now, but it turned out that Obama is just as concerned with race as David Duke ever was.


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Re: Maximum Leader crowned by the Whitest GOP Convention in 40 years
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2016, 08:42:31 PM »
Allen West was not distinguished in any way. He was elected for ONE TERM and spent most of his time making stupid, negative pronouncements.
Stick a fork in him, he's DONE!
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Re: Maximum Leader crowned by the Whitest GOP Convention in 40 years
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2016, 11:13:43 PM »
Allen West was not distinguished in any way. He was elected for ONE TERM and spent most of his time making stupid, negative pronouncements.
Stick a fork in him, he's DONE!
  See , you just would not hate this hard at a white guy.


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Re: Maximum Leader crowned by the Whitest GOP Convention in 40 years
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2016, 01:36:48 PM »
I certainly would and have done so=, but this co9nversation is about Allen Waest, and you introduced him as a topic.
Ted Cruz has said all sorts of idiotic crap.
Marco Rubio will do anything for a buck and some publicity.
Donald Trump is another loudmouthed publicity hound.

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Re: Maximum Leader crowned by the Whitest GOP Convention in 40 years
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2016, 11:22:50 PM »
  It is hard to understand why minorities prefer the Democratic party.

    They get prettier promises from the Democrats , not better service.


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Re: Maximum Leader crowned by the Whitest GOP Convention in 40 years
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2016, 03:54:48 PM »
They sure as hell get worse service from Rick Scott (R) than they did from Lawton Chiles (D) here in Florida.

If Chiles were governor, at least another 5% of Floridians could get decent health care. Asshole Scott refused to cooperate with the Feds on Medicare, and it would not have cost the state a dime.

Blacks do not vote for assholes like Rick Scott because Rick Scott made them wait for hours to vote, and refused to expand Medicaid.
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Re: Maximum Leader crowned by the Whitest GOP Convention in 40 years
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2016, 08:58:16 PM »
.....and it would not have cost the state a dime.


This is entirely debatable.


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Re: Maximum Leader crowned by the Whitest GOP Convention in 40 years
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2016, 12:05:17 AM »
No, it is not.  The state would not have to pay more for several years. Rick Scott is an enemy of the people of Florida.
The Everglades is being destroyed. We have massive algae blooms due to lack of enforcement on cane growers,
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