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American Exceptionalism
« on: July 30, 2016, 01:42:56 AM »
     I note Democrats chanting U-S-A  U-S-A

     Michelle Obama is proud of the greatest country in the World.

      And President Obama gives a stemwinder speech about how wonderful we are.

       American exceptionalism sells well  in America.

         They were even waving
      American flags twards the end.

      I wonder if they bought them on day two , after Fox commentators noted the dearth of flags      on day one?



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Re: American Exceptionalism
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2016, 03:08:37 PM »
I don't think Fox was the reason for the flags or the four star Marine general or the excellent planning.
The Democrats were simply far and away better organized and they had a better message.

This country is not weak. The economy is not horrible. It is incorrect to say that we make nothing in this country. It is not perfect, but then again, it has never been perfect and never will be perfect. Even when we solve all the current problems, the concept of what a perfect country should be will change.

That is what is wrong with Islam: When the entire world recognizes that there is but one God and his Messenger is Mohammad and all the Koran is fulfilled, what would exist would be a stagnant, unimaginative society in which ill-educated men dominated their uneducated wives and progress would be nonexistent.

And to a lesser degree the same is true of Christianity, at least the description given in the Book of Revelation in which all the unworthy would be sent to Hell, and all the rest would spend the next thousand years singing in some Choir Celestial to the unelected and perpetual leader, Jesus. Seriously, how realistic is that?

Trump does not have the smarts or the temperament to fix this country. He does not even have a proper diagnosis to what the problems are. His method of fixing things seems to be some form of a process best described as secret magic.

Trump is a TV celebrity, but his Convention sucked mightily compared with the Democratic Convention.
He is a bullshit artist that cannot even do bullshit right. That is the kind of leader he would be.
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Re: American Exceptionalism
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2016, 03:13:19 PM »
We'll take that over incompetence and corruption, every day of the week, and twice on Sunday
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Re: American Exceptionalism
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2016, 09:04:37 PM »

Trump does not have the smarts or the temperament to fix this country. He does not even have a proper diagnosis to what the problems are. His method of fixing things seems to be some form of a process best described as secret magic.


Listening to the Obama speech , one might think there were no problems left, so why elect Hillary Clinton , who her husband describes as an agent of change?

What is the big change that has to happen now?


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Re: American Exceptionalism
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2016, 12:02:34 AM »
There will always need to be more jobs, as the population is growing. There must be a solution to the immigrant status problem. There is an epidemic of opiate use, due to the drug companies pushing Oxycontin, mostly. Income equality is a difficult problem that must be solved.Obamacare must be revised so that more people can get insurance. The US needs to get out of the Middle East.
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Re: American Exceptionalism
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2016, 12:47:09 AM »
Funny how none of those areas rank very high, outside of immigration. ... which ironically Trump polls better
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Re: American Exceptionalism
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2016, 12:44:48 PM »
Leadership is about addressing issues that are important, not necessarily because the rank high in some off the cuff poll of unthinking John Does on the street.  If Juniorbush and Condi Rice had been properly doing their jobs, there would have been no 9-11 and almost certainly no invasion of Iraq. We would only have heard about how they arrested some Arabs with murderous plans.

What was the likelihood a poll of bozos on the street on September 7th before 9-11 would have revealed a huge amount of outcry about fanatical jihadist Muslims?
If we wait until every family has a junkie in it to act, what sort of leadership would that be?
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Re: American Exceptionalism
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2016, 04:18:04 PM »
Leadership is all that...AND respect for the rule of law.  Alas, your gal has demonstrated no respect for that, the truth, or our country's security.  So no, a leader isn't someone who focuses only on what's the ideological agenda of the party, but is is particularly addressing the most important needs of the Country, that are likely why a person got elected to be President in the 1st there campaign references of what they plan to do in addressing those areas the country believes are the most important.  Here's a hint, global warming isn't even in the top 10.  Neither is "income disparity".  Neither are drug companies
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Re: American Exceptionalism
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2016, 11:04:58 PM »
It dpoes not matter, they are the most important issues ans we will see this in the future.
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Re: American Exceptionalism
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2016, 11:22:03 PM »
Rule of Law and respect for it ABSOLUTELY MATTERS.  I realize to leftists, socialists, and fascists, ends justify the means, even if that means ignoring our laws and Constitution, but that simply leads to what we fought so hard and many lives sacrificed in fighting against.   Be it the Revolutionary war, or WWII
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Re: American Exceptionalism
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2016, 05:07:56 AM »
The longtime Republican edge in this area has stemmed in part from a close relationship with the military. The GOP’s emphasis on the “exceptionalism” of America — and its castigation of Democrats as questioning U.S. supremacy — served as the icing.

Historically, as Republicans positioned themselves alongside soldiers and cops, Democrats favored military cutbacks and were more prone to protest in the streets, creating an image as just a little less red, white and blue.

   Must be time for a new reversal?


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Re: American Exceptionalism
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2016, 02:20:32 PM »
Hillary understands international relations policy and Trump understands how to profit from international beauty pageants, or did, until he screwed up recently by attacking Latin Americans. Hillary's appeal is to the rational, thinking mind, while Trumps is to the irrational illogic of Us vs. Them.

"Make America Great Again" is not a policy, it is only a stupid slogan.

When, precisely, was America greater than now?

This country has been at war of some sort or another since 1941. There was WWII, followed by support against the partisans in Greece, then the Korean War, with interventions in Guatemala and the Dominican Republic, then Vietnam, Lebanon, Grenada, Panama, Iraq I,  Bosnia and Afghanistan and Iraq II.

The US is still great, but in a changing assortment of areas. The slogan is only an appeal to the emotions.
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Re: American Exceptionalism
« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2016, 02:32:31 PM »
What she "understands" is how the system works, how to manipulate it, and how to acquire influence and power thru gaming of the system.  She's greased all the necessary foreign wheels, on the tax payers dime, now she's just waiting for her windfall
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Re: American Exceptionalism
« Reply #13 on: August 01, 2016, 02:41:29 PM »
A president who knows how the government and foreign policy works is more preferable to some old rich coot that knows only how to pout and bitch.
Jimmy Carter did not understand Washington, even though he was a pretty successful governor.
Trump has zero experience. Even the bosses of his own party loathe him. He is the absolutely WORST qualified turkey that has run in modern times for president.
Bloomberg understands business, he says "vote for someone sane". General Allen understands foreign policy. He says "Vote for someone with experience".

Bloomberg has amassed a fortune of more than $22 million ( four times or more than The Donald) and was a pretty successful REPUBLICAN  mayor of NYC . He had no ulterior motive to speak at the DNC.

General Allen is a retired four star general. He was not paid to speak. Four stars gets you a really good pension.

But Scott Baio likes Trump. Imagine that.
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Re: American Exceptionalism
« Reply #14 on: August 01, 2016, 03:05:38 PM »
A President who is corrupt and a pathological liar, who knows how to game the system, for even more power, control and money, is not even in the same book as someone preferable....over ANYONE
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle