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Spinning in Elkhart
« on: August 01, 2016, 10:14:07 PM »

Good questions were asked , and questions not asked at all were answered.

This is a guy with too much charm.


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Re: Spinning in Elkhart
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2016, 10:45:49 PM »
  One thing that gets mentioned in this question and answer session got him talking about Gerrymandering.

    I do agree with the President that Gerrymandering drives separation and incivility.


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Re: Spinning in Elkhart
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2016, 10:59:44 PM »
  So, the Recovery Act was bigger than the New deal?

   That is kinda wow.


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Re: Spinning in Elkhart
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2016, 08:07:10 AM »
So, the Recovery Act was bigger than the New deal?

It was more successful. Wall Street recovered in six years f form the Juniorbush Recession
It took until the 1950's for it to recover from the Hoover Depression.
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Re: Spinning in Elkhart
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2016, 06:24:11 PM »
So, the Recovery Act was bigger than the New deal?

It was more successful. Wall Street recovered in six years f form the Juniorbush Recession
It took until the 1950's for it to recover from the Hoover Depression.

That means it was less successful.

But that it amounted to a greater share of the economy than the New Deal shocks my imagination.


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Re: Spinning in Elkhart
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2016, 09:53:42 AM »
That means it was less successful.

No means precisely the opposite.

Note that printing money has NOT caused major inflation.

Inflation is at under 2% statistically.

The disadvantages of spending were far smaller than those of a prolonged depression.

President Obama saved this country. He saved our auto industry. The money loaned was paid back.
Trump spent over a year lying about how Obama was born in Kenya.
He said, "You would be surprised to learn what my investigators have found in Honolulu."

But then President Obama released yet another copy pf his birth certificate, and we never learned what that surprise was.

It should be obvious that Trump would say ANYTHING to promote his agenda.
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Re: Spinning in Elkhart
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2016, 04:48:23 AM »
That means it was less successful.

No means precisely the opposite.

Our quarterly growth is still nearly 2%.

By what definition is this , the most prolonged recession ever, over?

That more was spent than the New Deal and such meager results achieved boggles.


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Re: Spinning in Elkhart
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2016, 09:17:16 AM »
If there is any growth, there is not a depression.
A depression is negative growth, a shrinking economy. Like what will happen if Big Swinging Dick Trump is elected and all those foreigners take their money out of our economy. Trump is regarded as a dangerous demagogue everywhere.

There is no denying  that this is the best country in which an investor can invest his money. And if Hillary is president, it will continue to be.
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Re: Spinning in Elkhart
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2016, 06:00:06 PM »
 What does Hillary know about investing.


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Re: Spinning in Elkhart
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2016, 11:55:43 PM »
Since my investments were successful from 1992 through 2000, Clinton either influenced things to make my investments successful or more likely did not do a bunch of stupid shit to make my country the laughingstock of the word. managed by an oaf who wants to be the Big Swinging Dick. The US stock market is currently the best large market in the world, and that is why  after the foolish English old farts voted for the Brixit, money flowed across the Atlantic. Most Americans do not trust Trump, and the  trust is much,. much less in every other country that has a lot of investors.

Trump is ignorant. He claims that the Russians are not in Ukraine, when clearly they are. He thinks Putin is great, when the fact is that Putin is a dictator., Face it Place, Trump not only does not know shit, he pretends never to have been introduced to it when he is standing in it up to his nostrils.

Trump picks fights when people accurately point out that he is (1) ignorant (2) a con man (3)  fucking stupid and (4) entirely unfit to even be allowed inside the Capitol Beltway. When he gets insulted, he lashes out with even more stupid nonsense. He is a loaded cannon on the deck of a ship on a rolling sea.
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Re: Spinning in Elkhart
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2016, 05:16:24 AM »

Trump picks fights when people accurately point out that he is (1) ignorant (2) a con man (3)  fucking stupid and (4) entirely unfit to even be allowed inside the Capitol Beltway. When he gets insulted, he lashes out with even more stupid nonsense. He is a loaded cannon on the deck of a ship on a rolling sea.

I don't see any reason to prefer Hillary here.


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Re: Spinning in Elkhart
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2016, 06:45:21 AM »
Hillary does NONE of the ignorant asshole things Trump does. There is not one single thing that Trump does well other than self-promotion in this campaign.
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Re: Spinning in Elkhart
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2016, 08:05:28 PM »
Hillary does NONE of the ignorant asshole things Trump does. There is not one single thing that Trump does well other than self-promotion in this campaign.


When Trump finds you a poor employee (or game show contestant) he gets theatrical and says "you're FIRED" as publicly as possible.

When Hillary wants to replace a good employee with a better crony , she works to accuse the employee of crime and get him locked up as discretely as possible.

Now there are reasons to find fault with both of these approaches , but , I personally prefer being publicly "let go" or "FIRED" to being discretely locked up.


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Re: Spinning in Elkhart
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2016, 12:47:01 AM »
I don't think that Hillary comes close to trying to lock up every underperforming employee. Most of the GOP Hillaryhater repertoire is just nonsense.
Trump, again, says the sort of stupid shit that causes emotions to run high in the investment world, where it is not what is said that causes wild swings in the market, but what speculators think what is said might cause nervous Nellies to do. The day traders sell long and short based on prospective and imagined fear and greed, and that is what a president that complains about why we don't USE our nukes in such a way that his idiotic musings get back to the public.

Again, Hillary would effect the market much as Bill did. Bill will be there to advise Hillary.

Trump is unstable and  ignorant. Melanie would be useful only with regard to fashion accessories.
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Re: Spinning in Elkhart
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2016, 04:18:08 AM »
  Trump didn't fire every employee either, but it seems he never even once conspired to jail one on false evidence.

   I guess doing this thing only one time is not a big deal and does not indicate enough depravity to disqualify. For a Democrat there is a certain amount of tolerance for depravity and attempting to jail just one innocent man does not amount to  that  much.

I do indeed anticipate that Bill will be active in the White House again much as he was active before , but this time with no particular responsibilities to distract him from his habits.

    The Clinton administration was a tremendous lost opportunity. An new industry arose from the computer and the earning power of the American public reached new highs that may never be repeated . Through no fault of the Presidents the inflow of tax receipts outran the outflow of spending better than it ever had since the administration of Andrew Jackson. This should have described an opportunity to build up our infrastructure or at least pay down our debt, neither of which happened greatly to the blame of our leadership.

  I don't expect the Hillary Clinton economy to boom like the Billary Clinton economy did , unless there is a baby boom generation reaching peak earning years AND a brand new industry aborning AND a superpower enemy falling over to give a peace dividend. Things I don't see about to happen, this administration is not setting its successors up for success even mildly.

   More like the expenses of Obamacare that were put off to the future will mature and the deal will seem reasonable to fewer and fewer. Industries of all kinds will face increasing competition the baby boom will reach maximum entitlement usage and enemy action will mandate increased military spending.

    So , I don't expect such a large opportunity to be wasted.