Author Topic: The value of suffering  (Read 24662 times)

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Re: The value of suffering
« Reply #105 on: October 06, 2016, 03:14:33 PM »
What do you suppose was on God's mind when he invented the ebola virus, malaria, guinea worms, river blindness, the Elephant man's disease and cholera? Are we to see plagues and diseases and parasitic critters as acts of divine love?
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Re: The value of suffering
« Reply #106 on: October 06, 2016, 04:45:17 PM »
How many times must it be repeated that your puny little human brain is incapable of grasping why God allows what happens to happen.  Nor am I, or anyone obligated to figure that out, for you.    ::)
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Re: The value of suffering
« Reply #107 on: October 06, 2016, 07:11:19 PM »
I am simply reminding you that your "god" is a construct of some crazy old desert dwellers long ago.
It is entirely possible that there is some sort of higher intelligence, but the one described in the Bible
does not deserve a high ranking nor is he particularly intelligent.

I mean, Jeez, if he knew that he was going to have to drown the entire fucking planet except for Noah and Co., why did he not do a decent job on the first try at creation?

No "loving god" would invent ghastly diseases like ebola, leprosy and malaria.
The Bible is clearly bogus.
The "Jesus" character invented by Paul was not the same creature that ever lived.

I suggest that we might have been issued a defective deity.
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Re: The value of suffering
« Reply #108 on: October 06, 2016, 07:37:10 PM »
And I'm simply reminding you that your puny opinion of my God means squat, as in makes nonsense appear rational.
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Re: The value of suffering
« Reply #109 on: October 06, 2016, 08:14:43 PM »
A logical conclusion is never puny, you drooling imbecile.
You are basically saying that it is simply unthinkable to try to make any sense of your core beliefs, and not only that, but no one else has a right to, either.

You are saying that your determination to remain ignorant is preferable to all possible rational thought.
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Re: The value of suffering
« Reply #110 on: October 06, 2016, 09:59:08 PM »
but the government does what it does from reactions unlike god. when I came to this country we had homeless bodies in the streets every once in awhile. eventually it finally got stopped. we used to live with the term buyer beware. now we got things that rarely breaks. in matters of the government we really should treat it as a work in progress that needs tweeking.

This is well said , but I think "Buyer Beware" is still good advice.


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Re: The value of suffering
« Reply #111 on: October 07, 2016, 03:01:48 AM »
A logical conclusion is never puny, you drooling imbecile.

Your problem is that you keep trying to apply your puny human brain for "logic" in addressing God, who transcends all manner of scientific method, or "logic", you unthinking neanderthal.

You are basically saying that it is simply unthinkable to try to make any sense of your core beliefs, and not only that, but no one else has a right to, either.

It's not a matter of "making sense", its a matter of faith.  You believe, or you don't.  And it has SQUAT to do with rights, since you can chose, not to believe.

You are saying that your determination to remain ignorant is preferable to all possible rational thought.

Not even close.  What I'm saying is God is God, as in there's nothing scientific about him, nor the ability for ANY human to comprehend him, much less someone who actively has chosen not to believe, so will concoct whatever atheist rant gets him the biggest bang for his buck.  Rational thought is applied to aspects of this reality.  Faith, on the other hand, is simply
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Re: The value of suffering
« Reply #112 on: October 07, 2016, 09:34:01 AM »
There is NOTHING or NO ONE that is not scientific. Just like you are composed of chemical elements. You can deny it all you like, but there is NOTHING that cannot or should not be considered scientifically or logically.

What you are saying is that the field of Theology and Metaphysics should not exist.

Dumber than a sack of rocks.
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Re: The value of suffering
« Reply #113 on: October 07, 2016, 10:20:52 AM »
There is NOTHING or NO ONE that is not scientific.

Except for God and one's walk of faith.  I never claimed theology doesn't exist.  I claimed its not confined to the puny understanding of the human brain, with some desperate measure of trying to apply science to them
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Re: The value of suffering
« Reply #114 on: October 07, 2016, 11:11:30 AM »
Science is the way we learn useful facts.
Science is how leprosy was eliminated.
The religious way was to find a toebone or some other relic of a saint and pray to it.
This tended not to result in a cure, and occasionally spread disease.

To say that anything is not a proper subject for scientific study is to say that we prefer to remain ignorant, like people uselessly praying to the body parts of deceased saints.
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Re: The value of suffering
« Reply #115 on: October 07, 2016, 12:12:25 PM »
One more time for the ignorant imparied.  God supercedes science.  I realize why you keep trying to make the connection.....its like trying to argue a point not being made.  Since God doesn't have a scientific foundation, ergo, he must not exist.  Fine, you can chose not to believe in ANY God.  Point being God doesn't have parameters that you can apply science to.  So yes, he won't compute into any scientific formulas.  That doesn't mean he doesn't exist.  It means, as I've been referencing all along, he transcends science, and is FAITH BASED.

And here's the best're not requird to believe that.  Nor is anyone required to prove it to you.   
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Re: The value of suffering
« Reply #116 on: October 07, 2016, 12:36:12 PM »
What a great steaming CROCK!

"God supercedes science."  Bwah hah hah hah hah , <snort!> yuk! Yuk! <giggle!> har de har har.
God does not transcend logic, because NOTHING DOES and NOTHING CAN.
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Re: The value of suffering
« Reply #117 on: October 07, 2016, 01:16:58 PM »
Since God does, your puny human opinion is duly noted.....and discarded
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Re: The value of suffering
« Reply #118 on: October 07, 2016, 02:17:43 PM »
No, he doesn't.  You are still full of crap, sirs.

If God invented everything, he also invented logic and science as well.
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Re: The value of suffering
« Reply #119 on: October 07, 2016, 02:56:25 PM »
Sorry to break this to you, but he does.  And now amount of holding your breath and throwing a tantrum changes that
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle