What e-mails you say?? The ones deleted right before a congressional investigation into 911......right?
You see, that's why Clinton's active effort to not just delete all her e-mails, but go the extra effort in trying to scrub the servers, is such a corrputing issue. Let's look at the roles reversed, and then folks like xo can claim how the e-mails are no big deal.
Colin Powell is running for President. An investigation into 911 faciltiates a subpoena for all his e-mailings while SoS. Colin insists on providing everything HE deems appropriate to turn over. And then we find out, right after the subpoena, he and his staff actively deleted thousands of e-mails. And to top it off, let's say Bush's FBI director, Robert Mueller sends some agents to "talk" to Powell, not write down any transcript of the "talk", and even allow one of his aides, also being investigated, but happens to be an attorney, to be present as well. And at the end of the day, the FBI decides that Powell didn't intend anything nefarious, although what he did was severely frowned upon, and Bush's AG, Alberto Gonzalez, following an earlier "spontaneous" meet with former President George HW Bush, on the tarmack of an airport in Texas, decides there's no need to look at this any longer
(Of course, this wouldn't have been the case, since ALL of Powell's direct work while SoS, were conducted on a secured Government server, so Congress DID have all those e-mailings)
But if Powell had done everything as SoS, on a private server, preventing any congressional oversight, xo would be perfectly ok with all that. Hysterical thought isn't it. Not only would xo be yelling for Powell to be brought up on charges for detstroying evidence, in the face of a Federal investigation, he'd be proclaiming how this was proof positive that Bush lied about WMD's, and be demanding he be impeached before leaving office
And here's the kicker, I'd be demanding Powell's indictment as well