Clay can be used as a medium for storing information, like paper or floppy disks. Clay is inert and cannot act.
We have books made of clay, they might be the original book.
Books are recorded information and recorded thought, but they don't evaluate , compare or process this information.
Since human beings can both retain information and evaluate information we are much better thinkers than Clay.
God is perhaps that much better at thinking , if he is retaining all information and processing all information the amount of thinking going on must be tremendous.
And God may be doing things with his thoughts that we don't do, as books do not process their stored thoughts but we do , there could be a higher process for thinking that we don't do.
There is some clue in that we are created in Gods image, but I think this has a deeper meaning than that God resembles us physically, perhaps it is Gods nature to think ,and we are miniatures in that respecct.