How is he received more electoral votes than she, and why is that the Dems seriously undersetimated the power of being taken for granted, as in despite all that money and influence she weilded, the components that brought her down wasn't Comey, wasn't Obama, wasn't Bill, it was her decisions, her actions, that everyone could see she was lying thru her teeth to cover up. Add to that they simply believed their heavily populated urban vote machines would simply outnumber the rest of the country.
Seriously, when you look at "Trump Country", its the entire country, outside of the North East coast & West coast, with a little bit of Nevada & Colorado sprinkled in. As idiotic as Trump may be, he spoke to ALL Americans, not just the elite. And America chose him over the status quo...not because of racism or hatred of women or hatred of immigrants, but because she represented everything wrong with the Political establisment....elitists, entitled to anything & everything, because they were just ..... better than everyone else, & not confined to the rules & laws the rest of us must adhere to