Author Topic: By-Pass the Bias!  (Read 4078 times)

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By-Pass the Bias!
« on: January 04, 2017, 04:25:41 PM »
Lame-Stream-Media and their Dem Friends can't stand that Trump
can by-pass their bias and speak directly to the American People.

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Re: By-Pass the Bias!
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2017, 08:15:11 PM »
If President Trump tweets even more , will the leadership be so direct?

Most presidents need to curry relationships with the press, business leaders , religious leaders, governors ,  legislators, union bosses etc. etc....

Just to get things done.

Is an end run on the press a good idea as a general principal? Will there be a large "Team Trump"?


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Re: By-Pass the Bias!
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2017, 05:53:23 PM »
the problem with that, Plane, is that the media are not only going to treat him harsh for simply being the Republican President, they're going to treat him doubly so, for him just being Trump.  They, like most of the Hollywood crowd, and uber leftists, simply don't believe him to be either credible or legitimate.  And they're going to treat him as such

For instance, years ago, I saw a great cartoon that embodied how the media treat Republican vs Democrat politicians/candidates.  There was a moderator asking a question to the Democrat, who basically claimed that his GOP opponent was taking orders from aliens on a different planet, with the intention of cocooning all humans for harvest.  The moderator then turns around to the Republican and asks straight up, "So, how long have you been in contact with these aliens?"  In other words, they nevr seem to challenge the democrat's outlandish claims.  I thought it good hyperbole, but no to much reality.......until.....

And she's being serious
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Re: By-Pass the Bias!
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2017, 10:07:31 PM »
Trump is merely an embarrassment to this country. Americans do not really need to know that their asshole president thinks that Merle Streep is a bad actress because she does not like his sorry ass. A decent president would say nothing at all if a celebrity criticises him. He is an egomaniac like the Evil Queen Gwendolyn who felt compelled to ask her mirror daily "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is fairest of them all" in the fairytale Snow White, who then feels compelled to kill Snow White when the mirror proclaimed her the fairest of them all.

Trump is an egomaniacal asshole and a repulsive, pussygrabbing demagogue with a horrid inferiority complex, and he will always be one. Not a single intelligent American will boycott a Merle Streep film because of trump's asinine tweet. It is entirely possible for an actor to have all sorts of wacko opinions and still be an excellent actor. Take Marlon Brando, for example.

What his idiotic practice will do is cause instability in the stock market when he lambastes a company for producing stuff in Mexico or China or where ever. The DJIA is, in my opinion, overvalued because the premise is that Trump will cut taxes and/or regulations which will cause profits to soar. But change in taxes and taxes and regulations will come slowly, if at all, and will have less an impact than the market thinks.   If Trump starts playing with the stock market as though it were his personal toy, it could cause a lot of harm.
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Re: By-Pass the Bias!
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2017, 02:37:15 PM »
opinion noted.......which incidentally had nothing to do with the thread topic or point being made.

Speaking of opinions, Clinton would have been just as much of an embarrassment, if not more.  Would have had just as high a negative rating entering the presidency, if not more.  And Clinton has been just as vile as Trump, if not more.  She simply hasn't had a camera in front of her all the time like Trump, but we've had a mountain load of reports by those directly in her presence, seeing her go off as appearing literally deranged.  Her reputation on her lack of anger management skills is legendary

The one thing you did get right, is that he does have a massive ego.....THAT is actually going to help, since he's not going to want to fail.  He's going to be driven to be the best "business-like" President this country has ever had.  His ego is going to demand it from him and his circle
« Last Edit: January 13, 2017, 03:13:20 AM by sirs »
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Re: By-Pass the Bias!
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2017, 02:01:56 AM »
But change in taxes and taxes and regulations will come slowly, if at all, and will have less an impact than the market thinks. 

  Interesting idea, how is it that reducing the drain of government on the economy might have little effect on profitability and market value?