[Dear Mr. Imus: Objective number one has been taken care of, at least I think I heard that. Thank you.]
Imus: "I have some other stuff I want to cover here just various issues... One of them is why General Kevin Kiley is still the surgeon general of the U.S. Army, why he hasn't been fired. That's an absolute outrage."
Jonathan Alter, Newsweek: "Total outrage."
Imus: "This guy is a disgrace and a smug schmuck that ought to be blown out of there and court marshaled. So that's number one and number two I don't think Gingrich gets a free pass. I mean this is an absolute outrage that this guy was conducting an affair with that bimbo that he finally married while he was trying to impeach Bill Clinton for fooling around with Monica Lewinsky I mean and he thinks now that he confesses that, that that clears the deck so I mean that's the kind of hypocrisy you can't make up."
Jonathan Alter: "The same people, who if you ask Gingrich about this as this Christian publication did he said well this was about perjury you know it wasn't about the presidents sex it was that he committed perjury in saying that he wasn't involved with Monica Lewinsky but then if you turn around and say what do you think of the Libby case oh no Scooter Libby oh no, that was only perjury. (laughing)"
Imus: "Yeah exactly. That's a very good point Jonathan."
Jonathan Alter: "He's a hypocrite about six ways to.."
Imus: "Well Scooter didn't lie though, you just said that?"
Mary Matalin: "He didn't lie, but the narrow..."
Imus: "The dog ate his homework. Didn't he? Didn't the little dog eat his homework?"
Mary Matalin: "You--Imus has been in a news blackout..."
Imus: (singing) "The doggy ate his homework, the doggy ate his homework."
Later in the interview
Imus: (singing) "Scooter's going to jail."
Mary Matalin: "You know what? Do you think that's funny? Do you understand he has a daughter Wyatt's age, he has a son that's fourteen years old, listen to me..."
Imus: "He shouldn't have lied than."
Mary Matalin: "...Whose father--he did not lie."
Imus: "You know what's a bigger outrage is that the administration has allowed to go on what's going on over there at Walter Reed and throughout the Veterans Administration, that's what's an outrage. Don't you agree?"
Mary Matalin: "Well, they're not allowing it to go on."
Imus: "Well they have allowed it to go on. If it hadn't of been for Dana Priest and Anne Hull and Bob Woodruff we'd never even know about it. I've been to Walter Reed, have you been over there?"
Mary Matalin: "I've been over there, the Vice President's been over there, the President's been over there."
Imus: "When were you over there last?"
Mary Matalin: "I've--not recently."
Imus: "Okay. Have you been over there since the Iraq war started?"
Mary Matalin: "Yes I’ve been there since it started."
Imus: "Oh okay. I was talking to Chuck Schumer Friday, he voted for the war, he thought it was a great idea like Hillary Clinton and all you other guys did, and Chuck Schumer hadn't been over there since the war started, so, why don't you go over there and see the consequence of your vote? These kids with no arms, and no legs and stuff, or faces melted off, or no ears or arms and that kind of stuff."
Mary Matalin: "And then when you--it is horror as all war is horror..."
Imus: "So I feel a lot more sorry for them than I do Scooter Libby's family, a lot more, you know, Scooter Libby shouldn't have lied."
Mary Matalin: "Scooter Libby didn't lie, and he didn't lie in the investigation that shouldn't have taken place."
Imus: "They'll have a visitation deal at his prison, they can go see him on the weekends."