The movie "Reefer Madness" was financed and produced by:
l) The Hollywood establishment
2) The liquor industry
3) The oil industry
4) Both liquor and oil industries.
If heroin register's a nine out of ten rating on drugs very bad for thee, mari jane is a:
1) 8.5
2) even 5
3) perfect l0
4) not even one
What drug, when you are under its influence, causes you to not be able to recognize the person in the mirror:
1) Ripple
2) Marijuana
3) Angel's Trumpets
4) Belladonna
What modern drug can be produced free and simple by the user himself?
1) doublewide crank
2) cocaine
3) heroin
4) pot
The number of people who, like Plane, have never inhalded:
1) eleven
2) twelve
3) grown men who paint their faces
4) all the tightly tucked.
Most of the medical reports on marijuana are:
1) handsomely paid for by the pharms
2) laughable
3) even more foreign that evangelical science
4) all of the above
The illegal drug marijuana trade costs other illegal drug concerns:
1) hundreds of thousands
2) millions
3) billions
4) nothing
Since marijuana can be started by poking a hole in the ground, and needs no fastblast capitalism, it is:
1) an insidious form of communism
2) blatantly anti-corporate
3) an enterprise that is "too free"
4) unAmerican
The only known reference to MJ in the bible is:
1) 'thou shalt have no other Gods before Me . . .'
2) 'and lo, they came before Ramses, giggling . . .'
3) the burning bush
4) Cumran Hash