Author Topic: McCain to fix world's view of the 'ugly American'  (Read 763 times)

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McCain to fix world's view of the 'ugly American'
« on: March 18, 2007, 09:24:12 PM »
Straight-talking McCain vows to fix world's view of the 'ugly American'

By Philip Sherwell in Cedar Falls, Iowa, Sunday Telegraph
Last Updated: 12:04am GMT 18/03/2007

John McCain, formerly the leading Republican presidential contender, has told The Sunday Telegraph that restoring America's sullied reputation abroad will be "a top priority" if he wins the White House.

Sen McCain has criticised the handling of the war by the Bush administration
The Arizona senator, an Iraq war hawk, was talking aboard the revived Straight Talk Express - the vehicle that made his name during the 2000 presidential election and that he hopes will revive his faltering fortunes this time round.

The bus ferried the senator, his aides, and journalists, to a series of public meetings throughout the flat, snow-covered farmland of rural Iowa, where voters will be the first to express their preferences for the party nominations next January.

Of America's poor image abroad, even with long-time allies, Sen McCain acknowledged candidly: "It is a very dispiriting situation and I know we will have to work hard to improve it."

Sen McCain is a strong supporter of the "surge" of US troop numbers in Iraq and his backing for the war has undercut his standing. In recent weeks, Rudolph Giuliani, 62, the former mayor of New York, has overtaken Sen McCain in the polls.

advertisementBut Sen McCain has also consistently criticised the handling of the war by the Bush administration, and has led efforts in the Senate to end torture and extrajudicial treatment of terror suspects.

In a sign that he wants to distance himself from the president - to whom he lost in an ugly campaign in 2000 - Sen McCain outlined a series of measures to roll back Bush policies and counter the "ugly American" image.

"I would immediately close Guantanamo Bay, move all the prisoners to Fort Leavenworth (an army base in Kansas) and truly expedite the judicial proceedings in their cases," he said. "I would reaffirm my commitment to address the issue of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions. I know how important this is in Europe in particular."

John Weaver, Sen McCain's chief strategist, confirmed his plans for a markedly more conciliatory foreign policy. "The next president will have to work extra hard to unite our friends and divide our foes. Sadly the opposite has occurred in recent years," he said, as Sen McCain addressed a crowded hall in the farming community of Cedar Falls.

"John believes that you can accomplish a lot more in this world by sticking to your principles, while adopting a much more humble tone with your partners."

Sen McCain demonstrated just such an approach when asked about David Cameron's Conservatives, who have struck a sceptical tone on US foreign policy and the "surge" strategy - prompting some critics to accuse them of riding on the current wave of anti-American sentiment for populist gain.

Sen McCain, who was one of the star turns at the last Tory conference, insisted that he would remain close friends with the Tories, despite policy differences. "I hope that as their foreign policy matures, they will keep examining the issue," he said.

He was predictably full of praise for Tony Blair, but said that he also looked forward to working with Gordon Brown if he is confirmed as prime minister. "We have a uniquely special relationship that will survive any bumps in the road, so it really doesn't matter too much who the British prime minister is."

He said that the scale of the "titanic struggle" against Islamist extremism was brought home to him when Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller, the head of MI5, briefed him on Britain's home-grown terrorists. "I'm not sure that we're succeeding right now," he added, "but I'm confident we can."

Sen McCain has a reputation for occasional flashes of temper and his age is a constant focus of attention. He will be 72 during the election and, if successful, will be the oldest person elected to the office. But last week, he was in good humour and clearly enjoying the fray as he took questions from his audiences. "My age? I just ask people to judge by my actions," he said.

The main change from his last presidential run is that eight years ago he was the insurgent candidate, while to many he is now the insider. By revving up the Straight Talk Express, he is trying to evoke the heady days of early 2000 when he beat Mr Bush in New Hampshire and seemed to be en route to a surprise nomination victory.

He raised some laughs at the public meetings with his self-deprecating style, highlighting his loss to Mr Bush in 2000 and remarking that he achieved war hero status, after he was shot down over North Vietnam as a navy pilot and held prisoner for five brutal years, by "intercepting a missile with an aeroplane".

There are, of course, dangers with so much straight talk in front of journalists. On the bus, the senator was stumped when asked whether he supported government subsidies for contraception to prevent sexual diseases if abstinence were not being practised.

"I'm sure I have a policy on that. I just need to check what it is," he replied, before seeking illumination from his aides.

Then, when asked at a public meeting about the rights of divorced fathers, he said it was a matter for the courts and he was not going to become involved in such a "tar baby". Although once widely used to mean a sticky situation, the phrase has been condemned as racist by some black leaders.

"I don't think I should have used that word and it was wrong to do so," Sen McCain said later - too late to prevent a flurry of coverage by the reporters accompanying him.