Author Topic: Iran would be broke if it were not for talk of war  (Read 4686 times)

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Re: Iran would be broke if it were not for talk of war
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2007, 02:57:48 PM »

I would prefer to wait a bit more, you know, give diplomacy a chance, but this namecalling is tantamount to acts of war.

Axis of evil, no wonder Iran wants the bomb, for peaceful purposes of course, brush clearing at the oasis, weed control in the fig field, that kind of thing.

Don't forget that darn roach problem....Ooops, I remember reading somewhere that roaches can withstand even a nuke hit. darn!


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Re: Iran would be broke if it were not for talk of war
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2007, 02:58:55 PM »
Is not the actions of Iran taking British soldiers tantamount to an act of war?  A serious question, looking for a serious answer    ???

I would have alreayd bombed their nuke plants, before they had even more of a chance to harden them against attack.