The only reason I'm relishing this so much is because those on the right have been setting themselves up as the paragons of virtue and protectors of the weak ordained by the hand of a god...
Here, we get to see the mind of knute, in another person's typing. Once again, every Republican is apparently pure as the driven snow, as they are these supposed "paragons of virture", simply because they advocate living a moral lifestyle. And if one of them dares sin, then they all are supposed hypocrits. Which also apparently means, that its perfectly ok if you're a Dem to be a pervert, pedophile, racist & rapist, simply because advoocating better morals is not the Dem thing to do. In fact, you can even be re-elected, and be supported for it
...turns out they are nothing more than ass-covering, hide-saving, lying power-grabbers
That's pretty much the definition of nearly EVERY DC Politician, Brass