Exactly. They have an orientation.
I don't believe it is an orientation. I believe it is just part of the natural state of human sexuality. Perhaps if they did not try to fix the so called problem of homosexuality we would not have some of the problems we have today, like over population, pollution, starvation. maybe church and state should have let nature chart the course.
People make choices, sometimes for good or ill. Being flawed at birth, many are not positive or productive ones.
You said: "I believe it is just part of the natural state of human sexuality." This is utter CRUD. Homosexuality is a choice. People choose this lifestyle. And, "charting the course" should mean that the people do not let the homesexual lifestyle "folks" determine the language to be used in this debate such as the word "gay", in order to place a more positive spin on this lifestyle. People who CHOOSE this lifestyle should be given all the help they can in order to be delivered from the effects of this erroneous choice.
Yellow Crane: "God made them, so if they are sinners . . ." Yes, He did, but they CHOSE a different way than He intended, as we all do too often.
And I disagree. the MSM is putting a more positive spin on this choice for quite some time and the MSM and society as a whole have mostly bought into this "it is just a lifestyle choice, not a good or BAD thing!". I cannot relate to you the number of times lately I have seen a homosexual placed into a movie, many times with no real reason, other than, IMHO, to placate the homosexual community.
Someone who has CHOSEN the homosexual lifestyle should be LOVED as anyone else, but not told their lifestyle is acceptable and "it's okay, it's just differnet" and so on.