100% agree Professor. I love my brother, who is gay. That doesn't translate into my supporting or even respecting his lifestyle choice. I tolerate it
How about your brother and CHOICE?
What about it?
Did he just act out and choose to suck cock, or did he one day look at a dick and swoon to the lymbic, just as you or I do when we see the apricot in the bush?
Apparently, though minus the graphic innuendo
Is your brother a well-adjusted homosexual.
Define "well-adjusted". I get the impression from Crane, and like minds, that they're trying to piant a scenario where Homosexuals would be completely stupid to chose such a lifestyle, and since they can't all be stupid, it just can't be choice then. It has to be something else. Correct? Wrong. Very sane and smart people can chose to do immoral acts. It happens ALL THE TIME. Some get a high out of it, some do it as a rebellious thing, some do it as a challenge, a vast many of them do it because that's what turns them on sexually. It's pretty much impossible to figure out why people do what are arguably immoral behaviors. Look at congress, we have 99% of them acting completely unethical, when not immoral or illegal. Yet they chose to act those ways as well.
I want to be there when you and your brother are judged. I will speak to God's translation.
Sorry, you're not invited
if your argument is really that, even though the strong sexual feelings are present, one SHOULD CHOOSE to not follow their sexual instinct at all, then that is another thing entirely, isn't it?
Their choice. We all have choices, which is what ultimately decides our eternal direction, and only God knows what direction that'll be. His judgement and his alone. Not mine, not yours, not Dobson's, not Jackson's. And unfortunately Crane will not be attending sirs or his brothers' judgement moment either. Sorry to disappoint