I think it is strong evidence that we are ad have always been a Christian Nation .
I think evidence points to America having always been a secular nation. With a strong Christian influence perhaps, but secular nonetheless. Personally, I hope it remains a secular nation. I find the multitude of calls for America to be a Christian nation "again" or to be "taken back" by the conservative Christians to be somewhat worrisome. I also find it a little sad to see the article imply that there is something inherently wrong with a U.S. Congressman being sworn in with a Koran. Of course, I suppose I should expect that from an author who also thinks closed American borders is the duty of Christian rulers. I find it hard to believe that Christ would approve of such an Us vs. Them attitude.
Rather than go on, which would likely result in the use of mean words and phrases indicating my extreme disagreement with the author of the article and maybe a few other people, I'll just end here.
You have it wrong .
The Government is secular , but the Government is not the nation.
The Nation is the set of people that must consent to be governed , I like that our system allows the people to be influential in the selection of the government.
The Nation has most definately been Christian since before the foundation of the Government , I consider the distinction between Nation and Government to be important and seminal to the theroy exressed in the Declaration of Independance that the Government governs by he consent of the governed.
That the Governed are mostly Christian is indisputable , that something is wrong with the people demanding a government freindly to themselves is a misunderstanding of democracy.
Tolerance of minority is gnerally a good idea but not if it comes to be an intolerace of Majority.