<< But comments like . . . "Bush is a lying, torturing, murdering, cowardly and incompetent bastard, pure and simple." give no appearance whatever of expressing empathy for the basketball players. And frankly, I doubt that requires phenomenal insight to figure out.>>
Phenomenal insight? What does phenomenal insight have to do with the pathetically off-the-mark conclusions you draw, seemingly out of thin air? If I were you, I'd aspire first to garden-variety mediocre insight, just enough to know how to read in context - - you'd realize that the remark that you quoted was in response to sirs' complaint that I failed to protest "unfair" depictions of your murderous "President" by various "left-wing" toonists. sirs' point and my response had absolutely nothing to do with empathy for the basketball players, both related to a side-issue. That's what happens in debate, side issues can arise, the issues of which have nothing necessarily to do with the main issue.
<<The outcome will say something about core American values? Yeah, and the plaid pixies live in a hole in the sky where they keep Amelia Earhart as their queen. The hurt and insult felt if he doesn't get the axe? Yeah, now pull the other one. Worse things are said by rap artists who have a bigger audience and make as much or more money than Imus does.>>
Yeah? No shit? Rappers have already singled out a real-life girls' college team and called them a bunch a napppy-headed hos? No waaay, man, that is so bad. I had no idea. So Imus isn't even an original. Why shame on him. He'll never make it in rap world.
<<If the folks making so loud a fuss over Imus all really gave so much as half a damn about it . . . >>
Whoah, we are indeed privileged here, folks. Doubly blessed, as the renowned Dr. Prince is again willing to share his profound psychological insight with us peons here and read for us the minds of all those phonies who object to Imus' racst and sexist rant.
<< . . . there is a lot more out there that would draw their ire. >>
Oh, I know, I know. sirs has already clued us in to those uncounted thousands of nameless, faceless (but nevertheless, prominent in the media) "left-wingers" who spew far worse vile, disgusting and vulgar things in public, all day, every day, 24/7.
<<But in a few weeks, their ire will again be safely packed away and this incident will be largely forgotten . . . >>
Well, of course. How could it be otherwise when insincere, phony, "left-wing" hypocrites control the mass media and set its agenda. In a few weeks, they'll get back to their real agenda, which is the War on Christmas, the promotion of sexual perversion and the destruction of the American family. Oh, yeah, and the victory of al Qaeda.
<<It provides an excuse for people to express pointless outrage . . . >>
Yeah, why bother expressing "pointless outrage" when we could all get together behind Don and bash those nappy-headed hos one more time? THAT'S what I call meaningful political expression. Fuck those bitches, who the hell do they think they are anyway?
<<And everyday racism will continue unattended by the folks who are now beating their chests.>>
You mean American racism WON'T come to a crashing halt if Imus' ass is fired? I am
shocked, I tell you . . . SHOCKED.
<<It's not news worthy>>
I'll tell ya what's newsworthy. The paternity of Anna Nicole Smith's baby, THAT'S newsworthy. McCain's stroll in the Baghdad market, THAT'S newsworthy. The 14th biggest (by audience) commentator in the U.S. (and by one weekly newsmagazine's reckoning, one of the 100 most influential people in the country) trashing a team of unsuspecting, unoffending women basketball players with racist and sexist insults
newsworthy? Don't make me laugh. It's just everyday racism-as-usual in the good old U.S. of A., the greatest democracy on the face of the earth. Keep right on moving, folks, nothing to see here. All's well in the nation, bub, those are some
happy little jigaboos there, let me tell you.
<<all this story has succeeded in doing is giving his radio and TV show a temporary ratings boost. Way to go! I wonder how all those hurt people in those millions of low income homes feel about that.>>
I'm really touched by this sudden humility. The great psychologist who can read my mind and detect my hypocrisy and lack of real empathy in the blink of an eye is baffled by how the poor blacks will feel about the guy who publicly insulted them getting nothing more than a ratings boost out of his openly expressed contempt. Why not try all the possibilities and eliminate them one by one? Elation. How about elation? Would they feel
elated if nothing but a big ratings boost was all that Imus got out of this? No? Well, then, jubilation - - would they be
jubilant about it? Keep on trying, Prince . . . I'm sure you can figure it out. Eventually. You just have to concentrate a little more, and try not to be distracted by those feelings of your own superiority to the rest of us.
<<Anyway, say whatever else you will,>>
Why, thankee, boss. I believe I just did.