I'm not a big follower of Don Imus, don't know much about his career, but following the recent commentary, it appears he's already been forced to apologize for similar remarks in the past and swear that he would be more sensitive, caring, respectful etc. This is such bullshit. He never should have been given his second chance. Racists don't change. Racism is bred in the bone. In an ideal world they would be liquidated but we all know that ain't gonna happen. Still to give this guy a third chance is incalculable stupidity. Unless the airwaves are open to everybody - - and I mean, everybody, kiddie porn, coprophagia festivals, whatever - - then if anybody has to be banned, you can include racists like Imus in the banning. As for kimba's idea to give the black community an opportunity to appear forgiving, that sucks - - they wouldn't look forgiving, they'd just look like schmucks. And to give them credit, they don't seem to WANT to be forgiving or to be seen as such. Enough is enough. I hope they go after his air hosts, and if the air hosts don't want to know what time it is, then go after the sponsors.