You are warned that this will be vulgar and unrefined. I'll be drafting it tonight to submit to various news stations, the coach of the basketball team, etc...Certainly, I'll be dialing back the anger.
SO I *knew* turning on the news would render not intelligent media attention to the burgeoning african issues, most notably mugambe, or even the trade issues that are happening with and to china. Of course not! Certainly there is a reason I maintain my expensive subscriptions the Economist and the Spectator.
Instead of the waste of time known as the anna nicole coverage, we are now treated with "IMUS IS A RACST SEXIST PIG" coverage.
And to top this character assasination is MSNBC's and CBS's termination of his employment What the living hell is going on anymore? When has Imus every been anything but demeaning, harsh, and derogatory? He's made rude quips about every race, religion, etc. over the years. So he calls a basketball team "nappy" and "hos"?
SHAME ON YOU for being offended by that, you phonies.
HOW DARE YOU make a big deal out of something that DOESN'T WARRANT ATTENTION OR CREDIBILITY. In a world with as many problems as this one has, SHAME ON YOU for being such TRASH that you focus on this. GEE WERE THIS ENERGY GOING TO UNDERSTANDING THE FUNDAMENTAL(not feel-good, but fundamental) ISSUES FACING THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES, OR THE
But I digress.
The most alarming thing about this nonsense is that the girls on the Rutgers Basketball team should be celebrating their apparently ground breaking victory. INSTEAD they are being used as pawns to attack ONE MAN. It is despicable that they are being used in such a manner, and atrocious that no one is calling the coach, the black community, the politically correct idiots, and the media on this. Shame on all of you.
FURTHERMORE, WHAT DON IMUS SAID IS NOTHING THAT ISN'T OR HASN'T BEEN SAID "BEHIND CLOSED DOORS", as the saying goes. I live in Dallas, with all of its racial tension, and do enjoy the charms of successful older gentlemen; some of whom say far more unkind things than Imus said when they see really ungroomed individuals. If you knew what sucessful black men and women think of their ghetto brethren you would be shocked.
ALSO-you know, the entire basketball team isn't black. SHOCK, AWE! Certainly I cannot be the only one who has noticed.
Now on Imus specifically: IF YOU DON'T WATCH HIS SHOW WHY DO YOU CARE? WHY? GIVE ME A RESPECTABLE ANSWER THAT IS NOT VIOLATORY OF FREE SPEECH OR HIS LIBERTY TO BE AN ASS, AND I MAY LISTEN. Truthfully, I cannot STAND Imus. I think he is a rude republican asshole. I respect all that he does for charities(which btw all these p.c. people have interrupted, as he had a charity drive coming up-how irrespectable), and thats about all I know about him. But NO ONE should have to suffer because a collective of people display "fake outrage" over a NON ISSUE. "Freedom of speech is wonderful - right up there with the freedom not to listen" has apparently gone the way of the tenth amendment. EVERYONE who is displaying "outrage" over something as meaningless as WORDS(words lacking intent, at that) is not better than Dubya, his administration, and all others who play into putting limits on liberty.
This is a glaring and despicable example of liberal censorship. At least the republicans are up front when they censor. The liberals trick you into feeling guilty and prompt you to censor yourself.
Now to further play Devil's Advocate: Show me one member of the Rutger's basketball team who was well-groomed. Just one. If you can find one that can form complete sentences, articulate well, and properly enunciate the word "ask" you get extra points.
On a recent(or maybe not so recent) episode of Boston Legal, the character Alan Shore brought up a quote by Judge Learned Hand(an intriguing fellow-he somehow escaped me all these years, and his background and opinions are thos of an impressive man):
"Liberty lies in our hearts, and once it dies there, no constitution can save it." Everyone viciously attacking Imus has no liberty in their hearts; and perhaps that is why I am most angry. This is a damning example of just how little liberty lies in the heart of collective America.
Shame on everyone in this country.
Because when all is said and done, his right to be an ass remains, and *you* have all supported infringing on it.